Code of Alabama
Part 3 - Pistol Permit.
Section 45-21-232 - Fees; Disposition of Funds.

(a) In Crenshaw County the fee for issuance of a permit to carry a pistol in a vehicle or concealed on or about the person as provided in Section 13A-11-75, shall be twenty dollars ($20), which shall be collected by the sheriff.
(b) Six dollars ($6) of each fee collected under subsection (a) shall be paid into the county treasury and the remaining fourteen dollars ($14) of each fee shall be deposited by the Sheriff of Crenshaw County in any bank located in Crenshaw County, into a fund known as the Sheriff's Pistol Permit Fund. The proceeds paid into the fund shall be used only for law enforcement purposes.
(c) The sheriff's fund provided for in subsection (b) shall be drawn upon by the Sheriff of Crenshaw County or his or her appointed agent and shall be used exclusively for the purchase of equipment and supplies in the sheriff's office.
(d) The establishment of the sheriff's fund as provided in this section and the use of such funds in no way diminish or take the place of any other imbursement or other source of income established for the sheriff or the operation of his or her office.