Ten members of the commission shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Additional meetings may be held at such times and places within the state as may be necessary, desirable or convenient upon call of the chairman or, in the case of his absence or incapacity, of the vice-chairman or on the call of any three members of the commission. The commission shall determine and establish its own organization and procedure in accordance with the provisions of this division, and shall have an official seal. The commission shall elect its chairman, its vice-chairman, its secretary and its treasurer, and such officers shall hold office for a period of one year or until a successor is elected. Neither the secretary nor the treasurer need be members of the commission. The commission may require that the treasurer thereof be bonded in an amount to be determined by the commission.
Structure Code of Alabama
Chapter 9 - Boards and Commissions.
Article 10 - Historical Commissions.
Division 5 - Tannehill Furnace and Foundry Commission.
Section 41-9-320 - Creation; Purpose.
Section 41-9-321 - Composition; Appointment and Terms of Office of Members; Vacancies.
Section 41-9-323 - Meetings Generally; Quorum; Organization and Procedure; Seal; Officers; Requirement of Bond From Treasurer.
Section 41-9-324 - Commission a Body Corporate.
Section 41-9-326 - Acquisition of Property; Borrowing of Money and Issuance of Revenue Bonds.
Section 41-9-328 - Appropriations by Counties and Municipalities.
Section 41-9-329 - Exemption From Taxation of Commission and Income, Properties, etc., Thereof.