The state Comptroller is authorized to transfer to the State General Fund all sums carried in special funds on the books and daily balance sheets of the Comptroller but which have become inactive because all claims against them have been paid or when requests for payments from such funds have not been made or for any other reasons and a reasonable time for making such claims has been allowed. When the Comptroller transfers the balance in any special fund into the General Fund, he shall close out such special fund.
Structure Code of Alabama
Chapter 4 - Department of Finance.
Article 3 - Division of Control and Accounts.
Section 41-4-50 - Established; Functions and Duties.
Section 41-4-51 - Comptroller - Head of Division; Appointment.
Section 41-4-52 - Comptroller - Restrictions on Receipt of Revenue.
Section 41-4-53 - Comptroller - Restrictions on Drawing Warrants in Favor of Defaulters.
Section 41-4-54 - Accounts Against State to Be Itemized.
Section 41-4-55 - Method of Indicating Governor's Approval of Vouchers or Accounts Where Required.
Section 41-4-56 - Evidence Required for Payment From Contingent Funds.
Section 41-4-58 - Issuance of Duplicate Warrants When Originals Lost.
Section 41-4-59 - When Warrant Deemed Duly Executed.
Section 41-4-60 - When Warrants Void and Claims Based Thereon Barred.
Section 41-4-61 - Comptroller May Require Proof of Correctness of Claim.
Section 41-4-62 - Refund of Money Paid for Invalid or Unissued Bonds, Etc. - Authorized; Interest.
Section 41-4-64 - Comptroller May Close Out Certain Inactive Funds and Transfer Balance to General Fund.
Section 41-4-65 - Online Database of State Expenditures.
Section 41-4-66 - Online Database of Requests for a Proposal for a Public Contract.