Code of Alabama
Article 2 - Director of Finance.
Section 41-4-35 - Promulgation and Effect of Rules and Regulations; Enforcement and Amendment of Rules and Regulations.

The Director of Finance shall, with the approval of the Governor, establish and promulgate rules and regulations with respect to the manner of performance of all functions and duties of the Department of Finance, the execution of the business of the department and its relations to and business with the other departments, boards, bureaus, commissions, agencies, offices and institutions of the state, the officers and employees thereof, the counties, municipal corporations, political subdivisions and local public bodies in the state, the officers and employees thereof, and the public, which rules and regulations shall be reasonably calculated to effect the expeditious and efficient performance of such functions and duties and shall not be in conflict with applicable statutes. When approved by the Governor, such rules and regulations shall have the effect of law and shall govern all departments, boards, bureaus, commissions, agencies, offices and institutions of the state and the officers and employees thereof, the counties, municipal corporations, political subdivisions and local public bodies in the state, the officers and employees thereof, and the public, in their respective relations to and business with the Department of Finance. Compliance with any such rules or regulations may be compelled by mandamus. Such rules and regulations may be amended from time to time, with the approval of the Governor. Anything herein to the contrary notwithstanding, the Department of Finance shall have no power to adopt any rule which shall impose any mandatory duties upon counties, municipal corporations, political subdivisions and local public bodies, including county and city boards of education and district boards of education of independent school districts, other than such mandatory duties as may be imposed upon them by law.

Structure Code of Alabama

Code of Alabama

Title 41 - State Government.

Chapter 4 - Department of Finance.

Article 2 - Director of Finance.

Section 41-4-30 - Head of Department; Chief Financial Officer of State; Advisor to Governor and Legislature; Appointment; Term of Office; Filling of Vacancies; Oath of Office; Full-Time Position; Conflicts of Interest.

Section 41-4-31 - Bond.

Section 41-4-32 - Exercise of Functions and Duties of Department of Finance.

Section 41-4-33.1 - State-Owned Surplus Property Transferred to Volunteer Fire Departments; Determination by Forestry Commission; Approval by Department; Penalty for Unauthorized Use; Final Disposition of Property.

Section 41-4-33.2 - Applicability of Section; Use of Public Funds, etc., by Ambulance Services, etc., Authorized; Penalty for Unauthorized Use; Final Disposition of Property.

Section 41-4-34 - Duty as to Offices and Rooms in Capitol and Other Locations in Montgomery.

Section 41-4-35 - Promulgation and Effect of Rules and Regulations; Enforcement and Amendment of Rules and Regulations.

Section 41-4-36 - Inspection and Production of Books, Records, Accounts, etc.; Examination of Witnesses.

Section 41-4-37 - Creation of Additional Divisions in Department; Assignment of Functions and Duties of Divisions.

Section 41-4-38 - Cash Management Improvement Act of 1990 - Administration; Appropriation From State General Fund.

Section 41-4-39 - Director of Finance Authorized to Designate an Individual to Serve in His or Her Place on Multi-Member Bodies.