Code of Alabama
Article 2 - Business, Vocation, or Occupation.
Section 40-12-60 - Battery Shops.

Each battery shop for the repairing and recharging and selling of batteries shall pay the following license taxes: In cities and towns of over 60,000 inhabitants, $20; in cities and towns of 16,000 inhabitants and not over 60,000 inhabitants, $15; in cities and towns of 5,000 and not over 16,000 inhabitants, $10; in all other places, whether incorporated or not, $5. The above license tax shall not apply unless a complete battery service is rendered. Each manufacturer of batteries shall pay a license tax of $100; provided, that such manufacturer paying the license hereunder shall not be required to pay the license under Section 40-12-172.

Structure Code of Alabama

Code of Alabama

Title 40 - Revenue and Taxation.

Chapter 12 - Licenses.

Article 2 - Business, Vocation, or Occupation.

Section 40-12-40 - Who Must Procure State and County Licenses.

Section 40-12-41 - Abstract Companies, Etc.

Section 40-12-42 - Acetylene Gas and Carbide Manufacturers.

Section 40-12-43 - Actuaries, Auditors, and Public Accountants.

Section 40-12-43.1 - Added Fee for Private Examining or Collecting Firms.

Section 40-12-44 - Adding Machines, Calculating Machines, Comptometers, Etc.

Section 40-12-45 - Advertising.

Section 40-12-46 - Air-Conditioning Plants and Equipment.

Section 40-12-47 - Amusement Parks.

Section 40-12-48 - Architects.

Section 40-12-49 - Attorneys.

Section 40-12-50 - Auctioneers.

Section 40-12-51 - Automobile Dealers.

Section 40-12-53 - Automobile Accessory Dealers.

Section 40-12-54 - Automobile Garages and Shops.

Section 40-12-55 - Automobile Storage Garages.

Section 40-12-56 - Automobile Storage Other Than in Garages.

Section 40-12-57 - Automobile Tire Retreading Shops.

Section 40-12-58 - Barbers.

Section 40-12-59 - Baseball Parks.

Section 40-12-60 - Battery Shops.

Section 40-12-61 - Beauty Parlors, Etc.

Section 40-12-62 - Bicycles and Motorcycles.

Section 40-12-63 - Blueprint Makers.

Section 40-12-64 - Bond Makers.

Section 40-12-65 - Bottlers.

Section 40-12-66 - Bowling Alleys.

Section 40-12-67 - Brokers and Agents of Iron, Railway, etc., Supplies.

Section 40-12-68 - Brooms, Brushes, Mops, Etc.

Section 40-12-69 - Cereal Beverages, Carbonated or Other Soft Drinks - Retailers.

Section 40-12-70 - Cereal Beverages, Carbonated or Other Soft Drinks - Wholesalers.

Section 40-12-71 - Certified Public Accountants.

Section 40-12-72 - Cigars, Cigarettes, Cheroots, Etc. - Retailers.

Section 40-12-73 - Cigars, Cigarettes, Cheroots, Etc. - Wholesalers.

Section 40-12-74 - Circuses.

Section 40-12-75 - Cleaning and Pressing Establishments.

Section 40-12-76 - Coal and Coke Dealers - Maintaining Yards.

Section 40-12-77 - Coal and Coke Dealers - Not Maintaining Yards.

Section 40-12-78 - Coffins and Caskets - Manufacturers.

Section 40-12-79 - Coffins and Caskets - Dealers and Agents.

Section 40-12-80 - Collection Agencies.

Section 40-12-81 - Commission Merchants or Merchandise Brokers.

Section 40-12-82 - Concerts, Musical Entertainments, Etc.

Section 40-12-83 - Conditional Sales Contracts, Drafts, Acceptances, etc.; Dealers In.

Section 40-12-84 - Construction Companies or Contractors.

Section 40-12-85 - Cotton Buyers.

Section 40-12-86 - Cotton Compresses.

Section 40-12-87 - Cottonseed Oil Mills, Cotton Mills, Factories, Etc.

Section 40-12-88 - Cotton Warehouses.

Section 40-12-89 - Credit Agencies.

Section 40-12-90 - Creosoting, Etc.

Section 40-12-91 - Delicatessen Shops.

Section 40-12-92 - Dentists.

Section 40-12-93 - Detective Agencies.

Section 40-12-94 - Developing and Printing Films.

Section 40-12-95 - Devices for Testing Skill and Strength Used for Profit.

Section 40-12-96 - Directories.

Section 40-12-97 - Electric Refrigerators, Electric or Gas Heaters, Etc.

Section 40-12-98 - Embalmers.

Section 40-12-99 - Engineers.

Section 40-12-100 - Fertilizer Factories.

Section 40-12-101 - Fire, Closing Out, etc., Sales.

Section 40-12-102 - Fireworks.

Section 40-12-103 - Flying Jennies, Merry-Go-Rounds, Etc.

Section 40-12-104 - Fortunetellers, Palmists, Clairvoyants, Etc.

Section 40-12-105 - Fruit Dealers.

Section 40-12-106 - Gasoline Stations and Pumps.

Section 40-12-107 - Glass.

Section 40-12-108 - Golf, Miniature Golf, etc., Courses.

Section 40-12-109 - Hat-Cleaning Establishments.

Section 40-12-110 - Hide, Fur, etc., Dealers.

Section 40-12-111 - Horse Show, Rodeo, or Dog and Pony Shows.

Section 40-12-112 - Horse, Mule, etc., Dealers.

Section 40-12-113 - Ice Cream.

Section 40-12-114 - Ice Factories.

Section 40-12-115 - Innkeepers and Hotels.

Section 40-12-116 - Junk Dealers.

Section 40-12-117 - Laundered Towel, Apron, etc., Rentals; Diaper Services.

Section 40-12-118 - Laundries.

Section 40-12-119 - Legerdemain and Sleight of Hand.

Section 40-12-120 - Lightning Rods.

Section 40-12-121 - Lumber and Timber Dealers.

Section 40-12-122 - Lumberyards.

Section 40-12-123 - Machinery Repair Shops.

Section 40-12-124 - Manicurists, Hairdressers, Etc.

Section 40-12-125 - Mattresses, Cushions, Pillows, Etc.

Section 40-12-126 - Medicine, Chemistry, Bacteriology, Etc.

Section 40-12-127 - Mimeographs, Duplicating Machines, Dictaphones, Etc.

Section 40-12-128 - Mining of Iron Ore - Levy and Amount of Tax; Limitation of Actions.

Section 40-12-129 - Mining of Iron Ore - Report of Operators.

Section 40-12-130 - Mining of Iron Ore - Report of Persons Receiving Products.

Section 40-12-131 - Monuments and Tombstones.

Section 40-12-132 - Moving Picture Shows - Transient Operators.

Section 40-12-133 - Moving Picture Shows - Permanent Operators.

Section 40-12-134 - Newsstands.

Section 40-12-135 - Oculists, Optometrists and Opticians.

Section 40-12-136 - Osteopaths and Chiropractors.

Section 40-12-137 - Packinghouses, Cold Storage Plants, Etc.

Section 40-12-138 - Pawnbrokers.

Section 40-12-139 - Peddlers and Itinerant Vendors.

Section 40-12-140 - Photographers and Photograph Galleries.

Section 40-12-141 - Pianos, Organs and Other Musical Instruments.

Section 40-12-142 - Pig Iron Storage Operators.

Section 40-12-143 - Pistols, Revolvers, Bowie and Dirk Knives, etc.; Gun and Knife Shows.

Section 40-12-144 - Playing Cards.

Section 40-12-145 - Plumbers, Steam Fitters, Tin Shop Operators, Etc.

Section 40-12-146 - Pool Tables.

Section 40-12-147 - Racetracks, Athletic Fields, Etc.

Section 40-12-148 - Radios.

Section 40-12-149 - Real Estate Brokers and Agents - Realty Situated Within State.

Section 40-12-150 - Real Estate Brokers and Agents - Realty Situated Without the State.

Section 40-12-151 - Restaurants, Cafes, Cafeterias, Etc.

Section 40-12-152 - Roadhouses, Nightclubs, Etc.

Section 40-12-153 - Sandwich Shops, Barbecue Stands, Etc.

Section 40-12-154 - Sawmills, Heading Mills or Stave Mills.

Section 40-12-155 - Scientists, Naturopaths, and Chiropodists.

Section 40-12-156 - Sewing Machines.

Section 40-12-157 - Shooting Galleries.

Section 40-12-158 - Shotguns, Rifles, Ammunition, Etc.

Section 40-12-159 - Skating Rinks.

Section 40-12-160 - Soliciting Brokers.

Section 40-12-161 - Spectacles or Eyeglasses.

Section 40-12-162 - Stock and Bond Brokers.

Section 40-12-163 - Street Fairs and Carnivals.

Section 40-12-164 - Supply Cars.

Section 40-12-165 - Syrup and Sugar Factories.

Section 40-12-166 - Theaters, Vaudeville and Variety Shows.

Section 40-12-167 - Ticket Scalpers.

Section 40-12-168 - Tourist Camps.

Section 40-12-169 - Tractors, Road Machinery and Trailers.

Section 40-12-170 - Trading Stamps.

Section 40-12-171 - Transfer of Freight.

Section 40-12-172 - Transient Dealers.

Section 40-12-173 - Transient Theatrical and Vaudeville Shows.

Section 40-12-174 - Transient Vendors and Peddlers.

Section 40-12-175 - Turpentine and Resin Stills.

Section 40-12-176 - Vending Machines.

Section 40-12-177 - Veneer Mills, Planing Mills, Box Factories, Etc.

Section 40-12-178 - Veterinary Surgery.

Section 40-12-179 - Warehouses and Yards.

Section 40-12-180 - Waste Grease and Animal By-Products.