Code of Alabama
Article 1 - General Provisions.
Section 4-3-22 - Procedure for Dissolution of Authority.

At any time when no bonds of the authority are outstanding, the authority may be dissolved upon the filing with the judge of probate in the county in which is filed the certificate of incorporation of an application for dissolution, which shall be subscribed by each of the members of the authority and sworn to by each member before an officer authorized to take acknowledgments to deeds. Upon the filing of such application for dissolution, the authority shall cease to exist. Said probate judge shall receive and record the application for dissolution in an appropriate book of record in his office. Upon dissolution, all rights, title and interests of the authority in property shall be vested in the authorizing subdivisions pursuant to the provisions of the certificate of incorporation or, in the absence of such provisions, shall be vested in the authorizing subdivisions, share and share alike.

Structure Code of Alabama

Code of Alabama

Title 4 - Aviation.

Chapter 3 - Airport Authorities.

Article 1 - General Provisions.

Section 4-3-1 - Definitions.

Section 4-3-2 - Procedure for Incorporation.

Section 4-3-3 - Contents of Certificate of Incorporation.

Section 4-3-4 - Execution and Recordation of Certificate of Incorporation.

Section 4-3-5 - Board of Directors of Authority.

Section 4-3-6 - Officers of Authority.

Section 4-3-7 - Immunity of Authority and Directors From Liability for Negligence.

Section 4-3-8 - Exemption of Bonds, Property and Income of Authority From Taxation; Concessionaires, Tenants, etc., Subject to State and Local Taxation.

Section 4-3-9 - Tax or License for Use of Public Streets, etc., Leading to or From Airport, etc., Prohibited.

Section 4-3-10 - Exemption From State Contracting, Purchasing and Zoning Restrictions; Zoning Powers.

Section 4-3-11 - Powers of Authority Generally.

Section 4-3-12 - Federal and State Aid.

Section 4-3-13 - Assistance and Cooperation by Counties, Municipalities, Etc.

Section 4-3-14 - Issuance and Sale of Bonds by Authority; Form, Denominations, Terms, etc., of Bonds.

Section 4-3-15 - Publication of Notice of Bond Resolution; Limitation Period for Proceedings to Challenge Validity of Bonds, Proceedings for Issuance, Etc.

Section 4-3-16 - Execution and Delivery of Bonds.

Section 4-3-17 - Security for Bonds.

Section 4-3-18 - Use of Proceeds From Sale of Bonds.

Section 4-3-19 - Refunding Bonds.

Section 4-3-20 - Investment of County, Municipal, etc., Funds in Bonds.

Section 4-3-21 - Eligibility of Bonds as Investments for Trusts, Savings Banks, Insurance Companies, Etc.

Section 4-3-22 - Procedure for Dissolution of Authority.

Section 4-3-23 - Certain Contracts or Legal Actions Validated.

Section 4-3-24 - Provisions of Article Cumulative.