Code of Alabama
Article 1 - Rate and Other Regulations.
Section 37-4-22 - Contract Rates.

(a) Rates and service regulations may be established by contract between a municipality and utility for a specified term, not exceeding 30 years, but only by and with the approval of the commission to be expressed by its order. Utilities may contract with each other and with persons who are not utilities in respect of the use of their properties and facilities, the sale or exchange of water, gas, electricity or other products or commodities, otherwise than pursuant to established rates, the distribution to the public of such products and commodities jointly or singly, and the territory within which such joint or single service shall be rendered and other matters deemed to be of mutual advantage, subject, however, in all such cases, to the approval of the commission; but no person shall participate in such distribution who is not a utility.
(b) Whenever any such contract shall be made, it shall, before becoming effective, be submitted to the commission. If the commission shall find the provisions of any such contract consistent with the public interest, it shall approve the same. Otherwise, it shall disapprove the same, and unless and until so approved, such contract shall be of no effect; but if it is approved, it shall in all respects be lawful. Whenever a utility provides for itself by contract, as above provided, a source of supply of any product or commodity which it would otherwise be under the duty to generate or manufacture, it shall, to such extent as the commission may order, be excused from the construction or maintenance of plant, facilities and equipment necessary for such generation or manufacture.

Structure Code of Alabama

Code of Alabama

Title 37 - Public Utilities and Public Transportation.

Chapter 4 - Public Utilities Other Than Transportation Companies or Motor Vehicle Carriers.

Article 1 - Rate and Other Regulations.

Section 37-4-1 - Definitions.

Section 37-4-2 - Jurisdiction of Commission Limited as to Nonutilities.

Section 37-4-2.1 - Regulation of Certain Private Water System Utilities in Class 8 Municipalities.

Section 37-4-3 - Officers and Directors Occupy Fiduciary Relationship.

Section 37-4-4 - Directors Not to Delegate or Relinquish Duties.

Section 37-4-5 - Sale or Purchase of Securities by Utility Employees.

Section 37-4-6 - Payment of Dividends.

Section 37-4-7 - Application to Issue Securities or Assume Obligations - When Required; Order of Commission.

Section 37-4-8 - Application to Issue Securities or Assume Obligations - Form; Contents; Oath; Signatures; by Whom Filed.

Section 37-4-9 - Application to Issue Securities or Assume Obligations - Time for Disposition by Commission.

Section 37-4-10 - Application to Issue Securities or Assume Obligations - Grant or Denial; Modifications; Supplemental Orders.

Section 37-4-11 - Sale, Pledge or Other Disposition of Securities.

Section 37-4-12 - Guarantee or Obligation on Part of State Not to Be Implied.

Section 37-4-13 - Provisions of Article Not Applicable to Certain Notes.

Section 37-4-14 - Receiver's Certificate or Debentures.

Section 37-4-15 - Reports by Utility.

Section 37-4-16 - Validity of Securities Issued Without Authorization; Penalty for Violation.

Section 37-4-17 - Valuation of Utility Property - When Made; Assistants and Examiners; Factors Considered.

Section 37-4-18 - Valuation of Utility Property - Notice; Filing of Protest; Finality.

Section 37-4-19 - Valuation of Utility Property - Hearing Upon Protest; Corrections; Final Order.

Section 37-4-20 - Valuation of Utility Property - Revaluation.

Section 37-4-21 - Valuation of Utility Property - Appeals.

Section 37-4-22 - Contract Rates.

Section 37-4-23 - Inspection and Supervision Fees - Generally.

Section 37-4-24 - Inspection and Supervision Fees - Recovery of Delinquent Fees.

Section 37-4-25 - Intercorporate Relations - Treatment of Utility as Part of General System.

Section 37-4-26 - Intercorporate Relations - Agreements With Holding Companies or Affiliated Interests.

Section 37-4-27 - Special or Reduced Rates.

Section 37-4-28 - Certificate of Convenience and Necessity - When Required; Application; Issuance.

Section 37-4-29 - Certificate of Convenience and Necessity - Time for Exercising Authority Conferred.

Section 37-4-30 - Obtaining Electric Service Under a Private Contract; Definitions.