(a) There is created the Alabama Shortline Railroad Infrastructure Rehabilitation Program within the Alabama Department of Transportation. The program is established to promote and develop safe and efficient rail transportation service for the State of Alabama by providing grants and or no-cost loans to local public rail authorities on a fair and equitable basis for the rehabilitation and improvement of shortline railroads within the jurisdiction of the qualified grantees.
(b) There is created the Alabama Shortline Railroad Infrastructure Rehabilitation Fund for the use of the department in implementing and administering the requirements of this chapter. The fund shall receive federal and state appropriations, grants, and other public and private sources of funds made available for shortline railroad infrastructure rehabilitation and improvement projects throughout the state.
Structure Code of Alabama
Title 37 - Public Utilities and Public Transportation.
Chapter 10A - Alabama Shortline Railroad Infrastructure Rehabilitation Act.
Section 37-10A-1 - Legislative Findings.
Section 37-10A-2 - Short Title.
Section 37-10A-3 - Definitions.
Section 37-10A-4 - Shortline Railroad Infrastructure Rehabilitation Program and Fund.
Section 37-10A-5 - Determination of Needs; Financial Assistance.