If the Public Service Commission or the State of Alabama shall appeal from a judgment annulling or suspending any rates or orders, it shall not be required to give any security for the costs of said appeal or any bond or undertaking to supersede the judgment. The appeal of the Public Service Commission or the State of Alabama without such bond shall have the effect of superseding the judgment and the rate or rates, or order or orders, complained of or annulled or suspended by the judgment, shall be and remain the established rates or orders and shall be so regarded and observed until the judgment shall be affirmed and the said rates or orders annulled or suspended by the supreme court unless a supersedeas bond is continued in effect.
Structure Code of Alabama
Title 37 - Public Utilities and Public Transportation.
Chapter 1 - Public Service Commission.
Article 2 - Powers and Duties Generally.
Division 1 - General Provisions.
Section 37-1-120 - Right of Appeal to Circuit Court of Montgomery County - Generally.
Section 37-1-122 - Time for Appeal; How Appeal Perfected.
Section 37-1-123 - Record or Transcript of Proceedings Before Commission.
Section 37-1-124 - Proceedings on Appeal.
Section 37-1-125 - Right to Supersede Order by Giving Bond.
Section 37-1-126 - Superseding Order - Order of Stay or Supersedeas.
Section 37-1-127 - Superseding Order - Statement of Approximate Effect on Revenues.
Section 37-1-128 - Superseding Order - Amount of Bond.
Section 37-1-129 - Superseding Order - Additional Bond.
Section 37-1-131 - Rate Suspension to Affect Only Utilities Giving Bond.
Section 37-1-132 - Right of Appeal to Supreme Court.
Section 37-1-133 - Appeal by Commission or State.
Section 37-1-134 - Appeal by Utility.
Section 37-1-135 - Action on Bond for Damages Resulting From Suspension of Rates or Orders.