Code of Alabama
Article 4 - Peace Officers' Annuity and Benefit Fund.
Section 36-21-73 - Appointment of Actuary; Action Upon Report; Liability for Deficiency in Payments.

The board shall have appointed and employed an actuary to make an actuarial valuation every three years or earlier, if deemed required, of the receipts and income accruing to the fund based on age, expected mortality, disability, and retirement status of the members and the qualified service and membership service of members and to determine what percentage of the proposed payments, annuities, and benefits set forth in this article may be paid if the fund is to be kept on an actuarily sound basis and in an actuarily solvent condition. Upon receipt of the report of the actuary, the executive director shall present it to a meeting of the board which shall have the power and shall be required to make adjustments of annuities and benefits, up or down, as are recommended by the actuary. Any increase or reduction in benefits resulting from any actuarial study or from any subsequent amendment of this article shall be applicable to all persons then receiving such benefits, even though such persons had theretofore received benefits at a different rate.
In no event shall the board, the fund, the association, the order, or any member, officer, director, or employee of any thereof or the state or any subdivision thereof or any municipality therein be liable to any member or any beneficiary or any representative of any member or any beneficiary of the fund for any deficiency in payments made pursuant to this article and pursuant to any adjustments of annuities and benefits, up or down, as are recommended by the actuary.

Structure Code of Alabama

Code of Alabama

Title 36 - Public Officers and Employees.

Chapter 21 - Law Enforcement Officers Generally.

Article 4 - Peace Officers' Annuity and Benefit Fund.

Section 36-21-60 - Definitions.

Section 36-21-61 - Board of Commissioners of Alabama Peace Officers' Annuity and Benefit Fund - Creation; Composition; Qualifications, Appointment and Terms of Office of Members; Vacancies.

Section 36-21-62 - Board of Commissioners of Alabama Peace Officers' Annuity and Benefit Fund - Compensation of Members.

Section 36-21-63 - Board of Commissioners of Alabama Peace Officers' Annuity and Benefit Fund - Quorum; Officers Generally; Executive Director; Agents and Employees; Bonding of Members and Employees Handling Funds of Board.

Section 36-21-64 - Board of Commissioners of Alabama Peace Officers' Annuity and Benefit Fund - Powers and Duties Generally.

Section 36-21-65 - Board of Commissioners of Alabama Peace Officers' Annuity and Benefit Fund - Maintenance of Records, Etc.

Section 36-21-66 - Alabama Peace Officers' Annuity and Benefit Fund Created; Purpose and Official Designation; Composition Generally; Investment, Expenditure, etc., of Moneys Therein.

Section 36-21-67 - Imposition of Additional Court Costs in Certain Criminal and Quasi-Criminal Proceedings; Remittance of Proceeds to Executive Director of Alabama Peace Officers' Annuity and Benefit Fund.

Section 36-21-68 - Eligibility for Membership; Application and Fees.

Section 36-21-69 - Receipt of Service Credit for Military Service, Etc.

Section 36-21-70 - Retirement Annuity.

Section 36-21-71 - Disability Benefits.

Section 36-21-72 - Death Benefits.

Section 36-21-73 - Appointment of Actuary; Action Upon Report; Liability for Deficiency in Payments.

Section 36-21-74 - Refunds of Members' Fees.

Section 36-21-75 - Semiannual Reports of Executive Director; Annual Audits of Acts and Affairs of Board.

Section 36-21-76 - Rights, Annuities and Benefits Subject to Change by Legislature; No Vested Rights in Annuities, Benefits, etc.; When Determination of Years of Qualified Service Conclusive; Reinstatement of Benefits of Certain Members; Adjustment o...

Section 36-21-77 - Benefits, Annuities, etc., Not Subject to Attachment, Garnishment, Assignment, etc.; Annuities and Benefits to Be Paid Directly to Member or Beneficiary.

Section 36-21-78 - Annuities and Benefits Provided by Chapter Cumulative; Participation by Peace Officers in Other Plans, Systems, etc., Not to Bar Participation in Fund.