In the case of a sale of a unit where delivery of an offering statement is required or a disclosure is made pursuant to Section 35-8A-407, a contract of sale may be executed, but no interest in that unit may be conveyed, or voted until the declaration is recorded and the unit is substantially completed, as evidenced by a recorded certificate of substantial completion executed by an independent registered architect, or independent registered engineer, or by issuance of a certificate of occupancy authorized by law.
Structure Code of Alabama
Chapter 8A - Alabama Uniform Condominium Act.
Article 4 - Protection of Condominium Purchasers.
Section 35-8A-401 - Applicability; Waiver.
Section 35-8A-402 - Liability for Offering Statement Requirements.
Section 35-8A-403 - Offering Statement - General Provisions.
Section 35-8A-404 - Offering Statement - Condominiums Subject to Development Rights.
Section 35-8A-405 - Offering Statement - Time Shares.
Section 35-8A-406 - Offering Statement - Condominiums Containing Conversion Buildings.
Section 35-8A-407 - Offering Statement - Condominium Securities.
Section 35-8A-408 - Purchaser's Right to Cancel.
Section 35-8A-409 - Resales of Units.
Section 35-8A-410 - Escrow of Deposits.
Section 35-8A-411 - Release of Liens.
Section 35-8A-412 - Conversion Buildings.
Section 35-8A-413 - Express Warranties.
Section 35-8A-414 - Effect of Violations on Rights of Action; Attorney's Fees.
Section 35-8A-415 - Labeling of Promotional Material.
Section 35-8A-416 - Declarant's Obligation to Complete and Restore.