For the purposes of this chapter, the following terms shall have the respective meanings ascribed by this section:
(1) ANNUAL REGISTRATION. The documentary evidence that the board has renewed the authority of the licensee to practice dentistry or dental hygiene in this state.
(2) BOARD. The Board of Dental Examiners of Alabama.
(3) COMMERCIAL DENTAL LABORATORY. A technician or group of technicians available to any or all licensed dentists for construction or repair of dental appliances.
(4) GENERAL ANESTHESIA. A controlled state of unconsciousness, accompanied by a partial or complete loss of protective reflexes, including inability to independently maintain an airway and respond purposefully to physical stimulation or verbal command, produced by a pharmacologic method.
(5) INFILTRATION ANESTHESIA. A form of local anesthesia wherein the terminal or peripheral sensory portion of either the maxillary or mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve endings are anesthetized by injecting a solution submucosally into an intra-oral circumscribed area for the relief or prevention of pain.
(6) LICENSE. The grant of authority by the board to a person to engage in the practice of dentistry or dental hygiene.
(7) LICENSE CERTIFICATE. The documentary evidence under seal of the board that the board has granted authority to the licensee to practice dentistry or dental hygiene in this state.
(8) LICENSED DENTIST. A dentist who holds a current license certificate from the board.
(9) LICENSED HYGIENIST. A hygienist who holds a current license certificate from the board.
(10) LOCAL ANESTHESIA. The elimination of sensations, especially pain in one part of the body by topical application or regional injection of a drug.
(11) PATIENT ABANDONMENT. The termination of dental treatment without giving the patient adequate notice of at least 15 days before the termination of dental treatment. Adequate notice includes informing the patient of the availability of emergency treatment and providing the patient with an opportunity to obtain the services of another dentist during the notice period. Abandonment may also occur if the dentist jeopardizes the health of the patient during the termination process.
a. The practice of dentistry as defined in Section 34-9-6 as it applies to the following:
1. The rendering of a written or otherwise documented professional opinion concerning the diagnosis or treatment of a patient located within this state by a dentist located outside this state as a result of transmission of individual patient data by electronic or other means from within this state to the dentist or his or her agent.
2. The rendering of treatment to a patient located within this state by a dentist located outside this state as a result of transmission of individual patient data by electronic or other means from this state to the dentist or his or her agent.
3. The holding of himself or herself out as qualified to practice dentistry, or use any title, word, or abbreviation to indicate or induce others to believe that he or she is licensed to practice dentistry across state lines.
b. This definition is not intended to include an informal consultation between a licensed dentist located in this state and a dentist located outside this state provided that the consultation is conducted without compensation or the expectation of compensation to either dentist, and does not result in the formal rendering of a written or otherwise documented professional opinion concerning the diagnosis or treatment of a patient by the dentist located outside the state.
(13) PRIVATE TECHNICIANS. A technician employed by a dentist or group of dentists for a specified salary.
(14) SEDATION. A depressed level of consciousness that retains the patient's ability to independently and continuously maintain an airway and respond appropriately to physical stimulation or verbal command, produced by a pharmacologic method.
Structure Code of Alabama
Title 34 - Professions and Businesses.
Chapter 9 - Dentists and Dental Hygienists.
Article 1 - General Provisions.
Section 34-9-2 - Legislative Findings.
Section 34-9-3 - License or Permit Required to Practice Dentistry.
Section 34-9-4 - License Required to Practice Dental Hygiene or Expanded Duty Dental Assisting.
Section 34-9-6 - What Constitutes Practice of Dentistry.
Section 34-9-6.1 - Mobile Dental Facilities or Portable Dental Operations.
Section 34-9-7 - Exemption of Certain Practices and Operations.
Section 34-9-7.1 - Exemption of Participation in Continuing Education Course.
Section 34-9-7.2 - Registration of a 501(c)(3) Entity.
Section 34-9-8 - Dental Facility Teaching Permits; Dental Facility Special Teaching Permits.
Section 34-9-10 - Application; Licensure by Credentials; Special Purpose License.
Section 34-9-11 - Examination of Applicants; Issuance of Licenses.
Section 34-9-12 - Recording, Reporting Requirements.
Section 34-9-13 - License and Registration Certificates to Be Kept in Office of Practitioner.
Section 34-9-14 - Change of Address Generally.
Section 34-9-15 - Annual Registration; Continuing Education.
Section 34-9-15.1 - Release of Records.
Section 34-9-16 - Fee Schedule.
Section 34-9-17 - Use of Names.
Section 34-9-18 - Grounds for Disciplinary Action.
Section 34-9-19.1 - Advertising - Dental Referral Service; Requirements; Prohibitions; Penalties.
Section 34-9-21 - Employing Services of Commercial Dental Laboratory or Private Technician.
Section 34-9-23 - Title and Letters Signifying Degree.
Section 34-9-25 - Judicial Review of Orders of Board.
Section 34-9-26 - Examination, Qualifications, Licensing, etc., of Dental Hygienists.
Section 34-9-27 - Employment, Supervision, and Practice of Dental Hygienists.
Section 34-9-28 - Notification of Change of Address or Employer; Annual Registration Requirements.
Section 34-9-29 - Injunctions Against Violations of Chapter.