If, in the opinion of the board, there is a need, in addition to licensing as a professional geologist, for more definitive recognition of geologic expertise, qualified persons may also be eligible for certification in a specialty. Specialties may be created by the board after notice to all Alabama licensed professional geologists of a hearing to explain the proposed specialty or specialties and after approval of the proposed specialty or specialties by a majority of all Alabama licensed professional geologists. Specialties shall be created by regulations which shall contain any required additional qualifications or limitations. Only licensed professional geologists shall be eligible for certification in a specialty. Applications may be submitted for both licensing and certification in a specialty at the same time, but the applicant shall be approved for licensing as a professional geologist before being considered for certification in a specialty. The certification in a specialty is dependent, in every case, upon the approval of licensing as a professional geologist.
Structure Code of Alabama
Title 34 - Professions and Businesses.
Section 34-41-1 - Short Title.
Section 34-41-2 - Purposes of Chapter.
Section 34-41-3 - Definitions.
Section 34-41-4 - Board Created; Membership Generally.
Section 34-41-5 - Powers of Board.
Section 34-41-6 - Establishment of Revenue Trust Fund.
Section 34-41-7 - Applicability; Exemptions.
Section 34-41-8 - Acts Not Prohibited.
Section 34-41-9 - Application.
Section 34-41-10 - Minimum Requirements to Be Eligible for License.
Section 34-41-11 - Examinations.
Section 34-41-12 - Issuance of License.
Section 34-41-13 - Certification in Specialty.
Section 34-41-15 - Register of Applications.
Section 34-41-17 - Written Charges Against Licensed Geologist.
Section 34-41-18 - Illegal Acts.
Section 34-41-19 - Denial, Suspension, or Revocation of License.
Section 34-41-21 - Reissuance of License.
Section 34-41-22 - Actions Which Are Class B Misdemeanors.