Code of Alabama
Chapter 36 - Electrical Contractors.
Section 34-36-13 - License Required; Exemptions.

(a) No person shall engage in the electrical contracting business or perform work as a master or journeyman electrician unless such person shall have received a license from the board or from the county or municipality where the electrical contracting work is being performed; provided, however, the provisions of this chapter shall not apply:
(1) To the installation, construction, or maintenance of power systems for the generation and secondary distribution of electric current constructed under the provisions of the National Electrical Safety Code which regulates the safety requirements of utilities.
(2) To the installation, construction, maintenance, or repair of telephone or signal systems by or for public utilities or their corporate affiliates, when such work pertains to the services furnished by such utilities.
(3) To any technician employed by a municipal franchised CATV system.
(4) To any master or journeyman electrician employed by a state licensee of the board or a licensee of a county or municipality where the contract work is being performed.
(5) To the owner of any premises or an employee of any such owner when performing electrical work or installing, constructing, maintaining, altering, or repairing electrical wiring, equipment, or apparatus on such premises.
(6) To an employee of an electric utility when installing or repairing electric appliances and equipment for a customer.
(7) To any retail merchant, or its employees making the installation of or the repair or maintenance on any appliance that the merchant has sold; or to any modular or manufacturer of the housing industry within the state which is regulated by state and federal governments.
(8) To the installation, construction, or maintenance of systems that operate on 25 volts or less.
(9) To the installation, construction, or maintenance of direct broadcast satellite services.
(b)(1) No license shall be issued by the board without an examination of the applicant for the purpose of ascertaining his or her qualifications for such work, but no such examination shall be required for the annual renewal of such license.
(2) This section shall in no way prohibit the governing authorities of each county and municipality in the State of Alabama from exercising their authority to require any person engaging in the electrical contracting business or performing work as a master or journeyman electrician to stand and attain a passing grade on an examination administered by such county or municipality to evidence their ability and proficiency to engage in the electrical contracting business or to perform work as a master or journeyman electrician within their jurisdiction; provided, however, that any person who holds a valid statewide license issued by the board shall be deemed qualified and, upon satisfactory proof of the license, shall be allowed to perform forthwith electrical work in any county or municipality under the terms and conditions set forth in this chapter, if such person has the proper county or municipal building permit and business license.
(c) All persons performing work under a license issued by the board must abide by all state and local laws and ordinances.