(a) There is created the Alabama Private Investigation Board. The membership of the board shall reflect the racial, gender, geographic, urban and rural, and economic diversity of the state.
(b) Private investigator members provided for herein shall have had five years of experience as an investigator prior to his or her appointment. Beginning on August 1, 2018, private investigator members who are appointed to the board shall have been licensed pursuant to this chapter as a private investigator for a period of at least five years prior to his or her appointment.
(c) The following members shall be appointed to the board:
(1) Three persons appointed by the Governor, two of whom shall be private investigators in this state and one of whom shall be a consumer who will represent the public at large. The Governor shall appoint the three members to initial terms of three years. Thereafter, successor members shall be appointed for terms of four years each.
(2) One person appointed by the Lieutenant Governor, who must be a private investigator. The Lieutenant Governor shall appoint the member for an initial term of two years. Thereafter, successor members shall be appointed for terms of four years.
(3) One person appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives who must be a private investigator. The Speaker of the House of Representatives shall appoint the member for an initial term of two years. Thereafter, successor members shall be appointed for terms of four years.
(4) One person appointed by the Attorney General who must be a private investigator. The Attorney General shall appoint the member for an initial term of two years. Thereafter, successor members shall be appointed for terms of four years.
(5) One person appointed by the Alabama State Bar Association who must be a member in good standing for an initial term of four years. Thereafter, successor members shall be appointed for terms of four years.
(6) One person appointed by the Alabama Private Investigators Association who must be a private investigator. The association shall appoint the member for an initial term of four years. Thereafter, successor members shall be appointed for terms of four years.
(d) Following the initial appointments, all successor members of the board shall be appointed for a term of four years and shall serve until their successors are appointed and qualified by subscribing to the constitutional oath of office, which shall be filed with the Secretary of State.
(e) Any vacancy occurring on the board shall be filled by the appointing authority of the vacating member for the unexpired term.
(f) No member may be appointed to succeed himself or herself for more than one full term.
(g) The appointing authority may remove a member of the board for misconduct, incompetency, or willful neglect of duty. The board may recommend to the appointing authority suggested administrative actions that may be taken against a board member for missing an excessive amount of meetings.
(h) Each member of the board shall receive a certificate of appointment from the Governor before entering upon the discharge of the duties of office.
Structure Code of Alabama
Title 34 - Professions and Businesses.
Chapter 25B - Private Investigation.
Section 34-25B-1 - Short Title.
Section 34-25B-2 - Definitions.
Section 34-25B-3 - License Required; Criminal Background Check.
Section 34-25B-4 - Alabama Private Investigation Board - Creation; Composition.
Section 34-25B-5 - Alabama Private Investigation Board - Quasi-Judicial Body; Liability of Members.
Section 34-25B-6 - Alabama Private Investigation Board - Officers.
Section 34-25B-7 - Alabama Private Investigation Board - Fund.
Section 34-25B-9 - Alabama Private Investigation Board - Meetings.
Section 34-25B-10 - Practice of Private Investigation Without a License; Location of Records.
Section 34-25B-11 - License Application.
Section 34-25B-12 - Qualifications; Study Guide.
Section 34-25B-13 - Application Fees; Issuance of License; Denial of Application.
Section 34-25B-14 - Identification Card.
Section 34-25B-15 - Making False Statement to the Board.
Section 34-25B-16 - Investigation Into Veracity of Application.
Section 34-25B-17 - Expiration and Renewal of License.
Section 34-25B-18 - Suspension, Revocation, etc., of License; Penalties.
Section 34-25B-20 - Reciprocity With Other States.
Section 34-25B-21 - Copy of Statutes and Rules Provided by Board.
Section 34-25B-22 - Violations.
Section 34-25B-23 - Application of Administrative Procedure Act.
Section 34-25B-24 - Exceptions.
Section 34-25B-25 - Division of Investigation.
Section 34-25B-26 - Continuing Professional Education.
Section 34-25B-27 - Certification Required for Trainers.