Code of Alabama
Article 4 - Board of Pharmacy.
Section 34-23-90 - Authority; Composition.

(a) The Alabama State Board of Pharmacy is vested with the authority to carry out the purposes of and enforce this chapter. The board shall consist of five members who are citizens of this state. The members of the board shall be licensed pharmacists who have been licensed in this state for a minimum of five years and who are actively engaged in the practice of pharmacy or pharmacy administration, or both.
(b) Three members shall be appointed by the Governor. Of the three appointed members, one member shall be engaged in the practice of pharmacy or pharmacy administration, or both, in a hospital, one in an independent pharmacy, and one in a chain pharmacy. On or before August 1, 1996, and each five years thereafter, or whenever a vacancy occurs in the designated position for hospital pharmacists, the Alabama Society of Health System Pharmacists, or its successor organization, shall submit a list of three nominees to the Governor. On or before August 1, 1994, and each five years thereafter, or whenever a vacancy occurs in the designated position for a chain pharmacist, the Alabama Pharmacy Association, or its successor organization, shall submit a list of three nominees to the Governor. On or before August 1, 1997, and each five years thereafter, or whenever a vacancy occurs in the designated position for the independent pharmacist, the independent pharmacist members of the Alabama Pharmacy Association, or its successor organization, shall submit a list of three nominees to the Governor. From the names submitted to the Governor, the Governor shall appoint a replacement on or before December 31 of the same year the nominations are received, for the member or members whose term or terms are expiring. Background information shall be provided for each nominee for an appointed position.
(c) On or before December 1, 1995, and each five years thereafter, and on or before December 1, 1998, and each five years thereafter, or whenever a vacancy occurs in a nondesignated position, the Board of Trustees of the Alabama Pharmacy Association, or its successor organization, shall select a committee of five pharmacists who are members of the association to serve as a nominating committee. No one on the committee shall be a candidate. The committee shall receive names of pharmacists actively engaged in pharmacy practice or administration, or both, from companies and individuals, and shall narrow the list of nominees to two names to be placed on a ballot to be voted on by all Alabama pharmacists. The election procedure for a nondesignated slot shall be as follows: Each candidate shall provide a biographical sketch of not more than 150 words, which shall include his or her most recent practice experience. The board shall mail election ballots and a biographical sketch of the candidates to Alabama licensed pharmacists by September 1. Completed ballots returned to the board postmarked by October 1 shall be tabulated. A pharmacist receiving a majority of the ballots received shall be considered the winner. If a runoff election is necessary, the runoff ballots shall be mailed to licensed pharmacists by November 1 and returned postmarked by December 1. A canvassing committee consisting of a representative from the Alabama Pharmacy Association, or its successor organization, Alabama Society of Health System Pharmacists, or its successor organization, Auburn University School of Pharmacy, and Samford University School of Pharmacy shall tabulate the ballots.
(d) Any vacancies occurring on the board other than by expiration of term shall be filled by election or appointment only for the unexpired term and shall be filled by the same procedure that the replaced member was elected or appointed. Each member of the board shall serve a term of five years beginning on January 1 following appointment and terminating on December 31 of his or her fifth year as a member of the board.
(e) No pharmacist shall serve two full terms consecutively.
(f) The Governor, upon recommendation of the board, may remove a member of the board upon proven charges of inefficiency, incompetency, immorality, or professional misconduct. The replacement member shall be elected or appointed by the same procedure that the removed member was elected or appointed. Appointees to the board shall within 30 days after their appointment or election take an oath or make affirmation before a properly qualified officer that they will faithfully and impartially perform the duties of their office. This oath or affirmation shall be filed with the Secretary of State. At its last regular meeting in each calendar year, the board shall organize by electing for a term of one year, effective the following January 1, a president, a vice-president, and a treasurer who shall be members of the board. No member shall serve more than two years in the same office on the board during a five-year term. The board shall also elect a secretary who shall not serve as a member of the board and the board shall have the authority to fix the amount of the secretary's remuneration. If a board member is selected as secretary, the board member shall resign from the board and a replacement on the board shall be selected by the same procedure by which the resigned member was originally elected or appointed. The secretary shall not be employed during the service by any registrant of the board.
(g) For the purpose of this section, a chain pharmacy shall be defined as any retail pharmacy employing in Alabama a minimum of 40 full-time equivalent pharmacists. A chain pharmacist is defined as a pharmacist employed on a full-time basis by a chain pharmacy for a minimum of three years.
(h) It is the intent of the Legislature that the composition of the board reflect the demographics of the pharmacy profession. For vacancies occurring after March 18, 2005, the nominating organizations and the appointing authorities shall select those persons whose appointments ensure that the membership of the board is inclusive and reflects the racial, gender, geographic, urban/rural, and economic diversity of this state.