Code of Alabama
Chapter 19 - Midwives.
Section 34-19-12 - State Board of Midwifery - Creation; Expenses; Composition; Meetings; Liability of Members; Employees; Collection of Information.

(a) There is created and established a State Board of Midwifery to implement and administer this chapter.
(b) The board shall pay all of its expenses from its own funds and no expenses shall be borne by the State of Alabama from the State General Fund.
(c) The board shall consist of seven members appointed by the Governor and subject to confirmation by the Senate, from a list of qualified individuals nominated by the designated organization. Each list shall contain the names of at least two individuals for each position to be filled.
(d) The members of the board shall be appointed for staggered initial terms and subsequent terms shall be for a minimum of four years or until his or her successor has been appointed and qualified.
(e) The board shall meet at least twice each year, conducting its business in person or by electronic methods.
(f) The board shall elect one of its members to serve as chair for a two-year term. The chair may not serve consecutive terms.
(g) The composition of the board shall be as follows:
(1) Four members shall hold a valid certified professional midwife credential from the North American Registry of Midwives. These members shall be appointed from a list of names submitted by the Alabama Birth Coalition or its successor organization. One of these members shall be appointed to an initial term of four years, one to a term of three years, and two to a term of two years.
(2) One member shall be a nurse practitioner. This member shall be appointed to an initial term of four years.
(3) One member shall be a licensed certified nurse midwife or registered nurse licensed under Article 5 of Chapter 21. This member shall be appointed from a list submitted by the Alabama Board of Nursing. This member shall be appointed to an initial term of three years.
(4) One member shall have used midwifery services in the state. This member shall be appointed from a list of names submitted by the Alabama Birth Coalition. This member shall be appointed to an initial term of three years.
(h) When choosing individuals to be considered by the Governor for appointment to the board, the nominating authorities shall strive to assure membership is inclusive and reflects the racial, gender, geographic, urban, rural, and economic diversity of the state.
(i) All members of the board shall be immune from individual civil liability while acting within the scope of their duties as board members, unless conduct is unreasonable.
(j) Vacancies shall be filled by the Governor and confirmed by the Senate in the same manner as other appointments are made. In the case of a vacancy, the new appointee shall serve for the remainder of the unexpired term.
(k) Members of the board shall serve without compensation but shall be allowed travel and per diem expenses at the same rate paid to state employees, to be paid from the funds collected for the administration of this chapter, as funds are available.
(l) The board may employ, subject to the State Merit System, investigators, inspectors, attorneys, and any other agents, employees, and assistants as may from time to time be necessary, and may use any other means necessary to enforce the provisions of this chapter.
(m)(1) A licensed midwife shall file annually with the board the following information on a form prepared by the board and accessible on its website:
a. The total number of births attended by the licensed midwife in the previous year, including births where the licensed midwife was assisting another licensed midwife.
b. The number of maternal transfers to a health care facility from births attended by the licensed midwife, including instances where the licensed midwife was assisting another licensed midwife.
c. The number of infant transfers to a health care facility from births attended by the licensed midwife, including instances where the licensed midwife was assisting another licensed midwife.
d. The total number of maternal deaths from births attended by the licensed midwife, including instances where the licensed midwife was assisting another licensed midwife.
e. The total number of infant deaths from births attended by the licensed midwife, including instances where the licensed midwife was assisting another licensed midwife.
(2) The board shall make the information collected under this subsection available to the public in accordance with federal law.
(n) The board shall be subject to the Alabama Sunset Law, Chapter 20, Title 41, as an enumerated agency as provided in Section 41-20-3, and shall have a termination date of October 1, 2021, and every four years thereafter, unless continued pursuant to the Alabama Sunset Law.

Structure Code of Alabama

Code of Alabama

Title 34 - Professions and Businesses.

Chapter 19 - Midwives.

Section 34-19-2 - Definitions.

Section 34-19-3 - License for Practice of Nurse Midwifery Required; Continuation of Practice of Lay Midwifery.

Section 34-19-4 - Application for License.

Section 34-19-5 - Issuance, Renewal, Suspension, and Revocation of Licenses; Fee.

Section 34-19-6 - Practices Which May Be Performed by Licensees - Generally.

Section 34-19-7 - Practices Which May Be Performed by Licensees - Restrictions Generally.

Section 34-19-8 - Practices Which May Be Performed by Licensees - Attendance, etc., in Cases of Abnormal Childbirth; Location of Deliveries.

Section 34-19-9 - Designation of Midwife Certification on Professional Nursing License.

Section 34-19-10 - Promulgation of Rules and Regulations, Procedures, Standards, etc., for Nurse Midwives.

Section 34-19-11 - Definitions.

Section 34-19-12 - State Board of Midwifery - Creation; Expenses; Composition; Meetings; Liability of Members; Employees; Collection of Information.

Section 34-19-13 - State Board of Midwifery - Disposition of Funds.

Section 34-19-14 - State Board of Midwifery - Powers and Duties; Scope of Licensed Practice of Midwifery.

Section 34-19-15 - Licensure Requirements; Duration; Grounds for Suspension, Revocation, etc., of License; Recordkeeping.

Section 34-19-16 - Where Care May Be Performed; Required Forms an Duties of Licensed Midwife.

Section 34-19-17 - Violations.

Section 34-19-18 - Construction of Chapter.

Section 34-19-19 - Liability of Physician, Health Care Provider, or Hospital.

Section 34-19-20 - Licensed Midwives.

Section 34-19-21 - Coverage or Reimbursement for Services Not Required.