Code of Alabama
Chapter 13A - Alabama Genetic Counselor Act.
Section 34-13A-3 - State Board of Genetic Counseling.

(a) The State Board of Genetic Counseling is created to implement and administer this chapter.
(b) The membership of the board shall consist of all of the following:
(1) One individual appointed by the Department of Genetics at the University of Alabama at Birmingham.
(2) Four individuals who practice genetic counseling in Alabama and who hold a master's degree or doctoral degree in genetic counseling from an ACGC or ABMGG accredited training program, or an equivalent program approved by the ACGC or the ABMGG, appointed by the Governor.
(3) One physician appointed by the Medical Association of the State of Alabama.
(4) One physician appointed by the State Board of Medical Examiners.
(5) One physician who specializes in pediatric genetics appointed by the Lieutenant Governor.
(6) One physician appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives.
(c) Board members appointed by the Governor shall serve for terms of two years and, upon the expiration of a term, may continue to serve until replaced or reappointed. All other board members shall serve until they are replaced by their respective appointing authority.
(d) The board shall annually elect from its membership a chair, a vice chair, and a secretary.
(e) The appointing authorities shall coordinate their appointments so that diversity of gender, race, and geographical areas is reflective of the makeup of this state.
(f) Unless acting unreasonably or in bad faith, no member of the board shall be civilly liable for acting within the scope of his or her duties as a board member.
(g) Members of the board shall serve without compensation but, to the extent funds are available, may receive the same per diem and travel allowance as state employees.