When written or oral examinations, or both, are required, they shall be held at such time and place as the board may determine. The methods of procedure shall be prescribed by the board. A candidate failing an examination may apply for reexamination at the expiration of six months. This examination and all subsequent oral and written examinations shall be granted upon payment of a fee to be determined annually by the board, not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100) in each instance.
Structure Code of Alabama
Title 34 - Professions and Businesses.
Article 1 - General Provisions.
Section 34-12-1 - Definitions.
Section 34-12-2 - Registration Required; Exceptions.
Section 34-12-3 - Roster of Registered Foresters.
Section 34-12-4 - Qualifications of Applicants for Registration.
Section 34-12-5 - Applications; Registration Fees.
Section 34-12-6 - Examination.
Section 34-12-7 - Licenses - Issuance; Contents; Use of License Number.
Section 34-12-8 - Licenses - Expiration; Renewal.
Section 34-12-10 - Firms, Partnerships, and Corporations.