Code of Alabama
Article 5 - 1967 Provisions for Facilities Along Inland Waterways.
Section 33-2-124 - How Property and Rights-of-Way May Be Acquired; Eminent Domain Proceedings.

In acquiring rights-of-way and property necessary for the construction of facilities and convenient approaches thereto in furtherance of the purposes of this article, the department shall have the power to acquire same by gift, lease, purchase, negotiation or condemnation. The department shall have all powers with respect to the condemnation of properties for the purposes of this article that were granted to that department in the 1957 Docks Act; and the exercise of such powers hereunder shall be subject to all limitations and conditions prescribed in the 1957 Docks Act.

Structure Code of Alabama

Code of Alabama

Title 33 - Navigation and Watercourses.

Chapter 2 - Development of Docks and Other Facilities Along Inland Waterways.

Article 5 - 1967 Provisions for Facilities Along Inland Waterways.

Section 33-2-120 - Definitions.

Section 33-2-121 - Facilities at Additional Cost of $2,000,000.00 Authorized.

Section 33-2-122 - Authority to Acquire, Construct, Maintain, etc., New Facilities; Completion of Facilities Acquired Under Earlier Acts; Plans and Survey; Approval of Governor; Permit or Consent From Federal Authorities.

Section 33-2-123 - Authority, etc., of Department Under Article Cumulative.

Section 33-2-124 - How Property and Rights-of-Way May Be Acquired; Eminent Domain Proceedings.

Section 33-2-125 - Department May Contract Current Indebtedness.

Section 33-2-126 - General Provisions Relative to Inland Facilities Bonds.

Section 33-2-127 - Requirements for Sale of Bonds.

Section 33-2-128 - Disposition of Proceeds From Sale of Bonds.

Section 33-2-129 - Appropriation for Payment of Principal and Interest on Bonds.

Section 33-2-130 - Application of Revenues From Inland Facilities.

Section 33-2-131 - Refunding Bonds and Investments.

Section 33-2-132 - Separate Records as to Each Unit of Development.

Section 33-2-133 - Use of Surplus Revenues of Port of Mobile Facilities to Pay Operating Deficit.

Section 33-2-134 - Rates and Charges for Use of Facilities.

Section 33-2-135 - Revocation of Licenses to Occupy State Property.

Section 33-2-136 - Bonds and Interest Exempt From Taxation.