Code of Alabama
Chapter 2 - Military Code.
Section 31-2-112 - Ordering Out of Troops - Issuance of Order by Governor; Authority of Local Civil Authorities to Order Out Troops.

(a) Whenever there is an insurrection or outbreak of a formidable character which has overawed, or threatens to overawe, the ordinary civil authorities, or in cases of disaster, and the authorities in such county, city, or town, have attempted and failed to quell the same by use of a posse comitatus, or it is apparent that such attempt would be useless, the Governor on a certificate of such facts from any four conservators of the peace in such county, city, or town, or from any circuit court judge, probate court judge, sheriff, or justice of the Supreme Court, shall immediately order out such portion of the National Guard or Militia as he may deem necessary to enforce the laws, and preserve the peace, and the Governor may, when the urgency is great, order out such troops without any certificate from either of the officers mentioned in this section, but in no case shall the Governor keep in service in any county, city, or town, of the state for more than 10 days any troops or militia other than that raised in such county, except in time of invasion or actual insurrection unless some justice of the Supreme Court or circuit judge, or the sheriff thereof, shall certify to him that the longer presence of such militia or troops is requisite to the proper enforcement of the law or the preservation of the peace therein.
(b) In case there is a failure of the means to communicate with the Governor or his authorized representative, due to riot, insurrection, civil disturbance, or disaster, the mayor of a city or town, the sheriff, probate judge, or a circuit court judge of the county involved may direct the highest commander or officer of the National Guard within the county to call to duty such units of the National Guard in the county as are necessary to suppress such riot, insurrection, or civil disturbance or render assistance in case of disaster. Civil authorities shall not call units of the National Guard to duty under this section unless local authorities are unable to restore order and unless the authorities have attempted to communicate with the Governor or his authorized representative, but lack the means to do so due to the circumstances set forth in this section.
(c) The Governor, as Commander in Chief, is authorized to call out all or any such portion of the National Guard as he may deem advisable, upon his determination that a state of emergency exists.

Structure Code of Alabama

Code of Alabama

Title 31 - Military Affairs and Civil Defense.

Chapter 2 - Military Code.

Section 31-2-1 - Definitions.

Section 31-2-2 - Composition and Administration of State Militia Generally.

Section 31-2-3 - Divisions of State Militia; Composition of Organized Militia and National Guard.

Section 31-2-4 - Composition of Naval Militia.

Section 31-2-5 - Composition of Unorganized Militia.

Section 31-2-6 - Persons Exempted From Militia Service, Etc.

Section 31-2-7 - Maintenance of Troops in Time of Peace.

Section 31-2-8 - Organization, etc., of State Defense Force Upon Call, etc., Into Federal Service of National Guard.

Section 31-2-9 - Powers, etc., of Governor and Adjutant General With Respect to State Defense Force; State Defense Force to Be Free From Federal Control.

Section 31-2-10 - Appropriations for State Defense Force.

Section 31-2-11 - Exemption of Officers and Enlisted Men of National Guard, etc., From State Jury Duty.

Section 31-2-12 - Exemption From Motor Vehicle License Tax, etc.; Distinctive National Guard License Plates.

Section 31-2-13 - Service Benefits for Government Employees, Etc.

Section 31-2-14 - Bonds of Persons Responsible for Public or Military Property or Public Funds.

Section 31-2-15 - Depositories and Arsenals for Military Property; Disposition of Unexpended Regular Military Appropriations.

Section 31-2-16 - Per Diem of Officers or Enlisted Men Under Military Travel Orders.

Section 31-2-17 - Unauthorized Wearing of Uniform of United States Armed Forces.

Section 31-2-18 - Wearing Foreign Uniforms - Prohibited; Exceptions.

Section 31-2-19 - Wearing Foreign Uniforms - Penalties.

Section 31-2-20 - Unauthorized Wearing of Uniform While Not on Duty.

Section 31-2-21 - Discrimination Against Person Wearing Uniform.

Section 31-2-22 - Disloyal or Insulting Remarks, Gestures, etc., to or About Troops Engaged in Performance of Duties, Etc.

Section 31-2-23 - Arms, Equipment, etc., to Be Deposited in Armories, Etc.

Section 31-2-24 - Preservation of Arms, Equipment, etc., by Officers.

Section 31-2-25 - Accountability and Responsibility of Officers for Military Property in Custody; Powers and Duties of Adjutant General as Exclusive Custodian of State Military Property.

Section 31-2-26 - Officers of Disbanded Organizations to Return Arms, Equipment, etc., to Custody of Adjutant General.

Section 31-2-27 - Unauthorized Use of Military Property for Private Purposes.

Section 31-2-28 - Officers and Enlisted Men Personally Responsible for Care, etc., of Military Property in Custody.

Section 31-2-29 - Wilful or Malicious Destruction, etc., of Military Property.

Section 31-2-30 - Sale, Exchange, etc., of Military Property; Seizure, etc., of Illegally Acquired Military Property.

Section 31-2-31 - Sale, Pawn; Purchase or Unauthorized Retention of Military Property; Seizure, etc., of Unlawfully Retained Property.

Section 31-2-32 - Liability of Officers and Enlisted Men for Lost or Damaged Military Property.

Section 31-2-33 - Failure of Officers, etc., to Make Required Reports Concerning Military Arms, Funds, Etc.

Section 31-2-34 - Proceedings When Member of Armed Forces Unable to Account for Property or Money.

Section 31-2-35 - Matters Governed by Custom and Usage of United States Armed Forces.

Section 31-2-36 - Acceptance, etc., of Commission, etc., in State Armed Forces and United States Reserve Components Not Incompatible With Holding of Civil Office.

Section 31-2-37 - Annual Encampments or Cruises.

Section 31-2-38 - When Officers, Enlisted Men, etc., Deemed to Be "In the Active Military or Naval Service of the state."

Section 31-2-39 - Emergency Purchases.

Section 31-2-40 - Enforcement of Sanitation Laws in Camps or Garrisons.

Section 31-2-41 - National Guard and Naval Militia Service Medals.

Section 31-2-42 - Retirement of Officers and Enlisted Men From National Guard.

Section 31-2-43 - Status of Officers and Enlisted Men of National Guard and Naval Militia Upon Release From Active Federal Service.

Section 31-2-44 - Payment of Expenses by State Upon Call, etc., Into Federal Service of National Guard and Naval Militia.

Section 31-2-45 - Designations of Units Engaged in Federal Service.

Section 31-2-46 - When Unorganized Militia May Be Ordered Out for Active Service.

Section 31-2-47 - Rules, Regulations, etc., Governing Unorganized Militia in Active Service; Appointment, etc., of Emergency Officers in State Militia.

Section 31-2-48 - Manner of Ordering Out Unorganized Militia; Organization; Appointment of Officers.

Section 31-2-49 - Draft of Unorganized Militia.

Section 31-2-50 - Failure to Appear for Duty in Militia.

Section 31-2-51 - Commander in Chief - Designated.

Section 31-2-52 - Commander in Chief - Powers and Duties Generally.

Section 31-2-53 - Personal Military Staff of Governor.

Section 31-2-54 - Governor's Flag.

Section 31-2-55 - Appointment of Officers and Enlisted Men of Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment of National Guard.

Section 31-2-56 - Exhibitions, Athletic Matches and Contests in Armories, Etc.

Section 31-2-57 - Assignment of Headquarters and Headquarters Detachments of National Guard During National Crisis.

Section 31-2-58 - Adjutant General - Qualifications; Appointment; Term; Commission; Rank; Powers and Duties Generally; Seal.

Section 31-2-59 - Adjutant General - Status and Duties Upon Call, etc., Into Federal Service of National Guard.

Section 31-2-60 - Organization of Military Department; Qualifications, Appointment, Rank, etc., of Employees of Department; Applicability of Merit System to Department Officers and Employees.

Section 31-2-61 - Salaries of Officers and Employees of Military Department.

Section 31-2-62 - Bonds of Adjutant General and Other Employees of Military Department.

Section 31-2-63 - Offices, Furniture, Stationery, etc., of Military Department.

Section 31-2-67 - Annual Report by Adjutant General to Governor.

Section 31-2-68 - Audit of Books, Accounts, etc., of Adjutant General and Other Officers.

Section 31-2-69 - Standards for Appointment, Removal, etc., of Officers of State Armed Forces; Qualifications of Federally Recognized National Guard.

Section 31-2-70 - Officers to Have Same Powers and Duties as Officers in Armed Forces of United States.

Section 31-2-71 - Qualifications and Appointment of National Guard Staff Officers Headquartered in Other States.

Section 31-2-72 - General Officers of the Line.

Section 31-2-73 - Appointment, Promotion, etc., of Noncommissioned Officers, etc., of National Guard.

Section 31-2-74 - Enlistments, etc., in National Guard.

Section 31-2-75 - Discharge of Enlisted Members of National Guard.

Section 31-2-76 - Drills, Encampments, Maneuvers, Etc.

Section 31-2-77 - Service Medals and Decorations Authorized for Wear With National Guard and Naval Militia Uniforms.

Section 31-2-78 - Personal Uniforms, Arms, etc., of Officers, Enlisted Men, etc., Exempt From Sale Under Execution, Etc.

Section 31-2-79 - Exemption of Members of Militia From Arrest.

Section 31-2-80 - Exemption From Ad Valorem Taxes of Property Owned or Leased by Units of Armed Forces.

Section 31-2-81 - Exemption of Certain Post Exchanges and Canteens From Tobacco and Gasoline Taxes and State and Local Licenses.

Section 31-2-82 - Armed Forces Organizations Not to Leave State Without Permission.

Section 31-2-83 - Laws Applicable to Militia When in Active Service of State; Jurisdiction and Powers of Courts-Martial as to Offenses Thereunder; Imposition of Death Penalty; Imprisonment.

Section 31-2-84 - Right of Troops as to Use of Streets and Highways.

Section 31-2-85 - Compensation for Injury, Disability, and Death.

Section 31-2-85.1 - Medical Expenses for Members of National Guard or Alabama State Defense Force.

Section 31-2-86 - Payment for Damages Caused by National Guard Members Acting in Line of Duty.

Section 31-2-87 - Supervision and Command of National Guard Organizations Jointly Maintained With Other States for Training and Instruction.

Section 31-2-88 - Pay and Subsistence for National Guard and Naval Militia in Active Military or Naval Service of State.

Section 31-2-89 - Actions Against Members of Military Court, etc., as to Sentences, Warrants, etc.; Actions Against Officers or Enlisted Men for Acts Performed in Line of Duty; Defense of Actions Against Present or Former Members of National Guard at...

Section 31-2-90 - Appointment of Counsel to Defend National Guard Members in Certain Actions.

Section 31-2-91 - Security for Costs in Certain Actions Against National Guard Members to Be Given by Plaintiff.

Section 31-2-92 - Courts-Martial for Members of National Guard - Kinds, Jurisdiction, Powers, Procedure, etc.; Limitations on Institution of Courts-Martial.

Section 31-2-93 - Courts-Martial for Members of National Guard - Convening and Powers of Punishment of General Courts-Martial.

Section 31-2-94 - Courts-Martial for Members of National Guard - Appointment and Powers of Punishment of Special Courts-Martial.

Section 31-2-95 - Courts-Martial for Members of National Guard - Convening and Powers of Punishment of Summary Courts-Martial.

Section 31-2-96 - Courts-Martial for Members of National Guard - Powers of Presidents and Summary Court Officers.

Section 31-2-97 - Courts-Martial for Members of National Guard - Manual of Courts-Martial, etc., to Govern Proceedings.

Section 31-2-98 - Courts-Martial for Members of National Guard - Evidence.

Section 31-2-99 - Courts-Martial for Members of National Guard - Employment of Court Reporter.

Section 31-2-100 - Courts-Martial for Members of National Guard - Subpoena of Witnesses.

Section 31-2-101 - Courts-Martial for Members of National Guard - Punishment of Persons Disrupting Proceedings, Etc.

Section 31-2-102 - Courts-Martial for Members of National Guard - Payment of Expenses.

Section 31-2-103 - Courts-Martial for Members of National Guard - Review of Findings and Sentence by Governor; Approval of Governor Prerequisite to Execution of Sentence; Presumption of Jurisdiction and Legality of Proceedings.

Section 31-2-104 - Courts-Martial for Members of National Guard - Persons Authorized to Execute Processes and Sentences.

Section 31-2-105 - Courts-Martial for Members of National Guard - Delivery of Certificate to Sheriff for Execution of Sentence; Disposition of Fines.

Section 31-2-106 - Courts-Martial for Members of National Guard - Compensation of Civil Officers for Execution of Process, Etc.

Section 31-2-107 - Courts of Inquiry.

Section 31-2-108 - Appropriations for Operation, Support, etc., of National Guard Organizations; Quarterly Allowances to Commanders.

Section 31-2-109 - Ordering Out of Troops - Authority of Governor.

Section 31-2-110 - Ordering Out of Troops - Restrictions.

Section 31-2-111 - Ordering Out of Troops - Request to Governor by Local Officials.

Section 31-2-112 - Ordering Out of Troops - Issuance of Order by Governor; Authority of Local Civil Authorities to Order Out Troops.

Section 31-2-113 - Ordering Out of Troops - Commanding Officers May Require Written Instructions From Civil Authorities; Compliance With Instructions.

Section 31-2-114 - Ordering Out of Troops - Reports to Governor When Troops Ordered by Civil Authorities.

Section 31-2-115 - Dispersion of Mob, Etc. - Order to Disperse.

Section 31-2-116 - Dispersion of Mob, Etc. - Order to Disperse - Failure to Obey Order.

Section 31-2-117 - Dispersion of Mob, Etc. - Authority to Act to Disperse Mob, Etc.

Section 31-2-118 - Right of National Guard Members, etc., Under Indictment, etc., for Injuries to Persons or Property Incurred During Performance of Duties to Change of Venue of Trial.

Section 31-2-119 - Assault on National Guard Members, etc., Assembled for Performance of Duties.

Section 31-2-120 - Protection of National Guard Troops, etc., From Assault, Etc.

Section 31-2-121 - Duty to Disperse When Shot Fired, etc., at National Guard.

Section 31-2-123 - Commanders of National Guard Troops May Prescribe Boundaries Around Jails, Public Buildings, etc., From Which Public Excluded.

Section 31-2-122 - Regulation of Passage and Occupancy on Streets, etc., During Riot, Etc.

Section 31-2-124 - Commanders of National Guard Troops May Order Closing of Certain Places and Forbid Sale of Certain Commodities.

Section 31-2-125 - Unauthorized Military Organizations.

Section 31-2-126 - Commanders May Incarcerate and Detain Persons Interfering With Performance of Troops; Abatement of Menaces to Health or Safety of Command.

Section 31-2-127 - Enforcement of Attendance of Officers and Enlisted Men Called Into Active Military Service of State.

Section 31-2-128 - Dropping Allowance.

Section 31-2-129 - Counties or Municipalities May Appropriate Funds for Military Purposes for Local National Guard and Naval Militia Units.

Section 31-2-130 - Counties or Municipalities May Sell, etc., Real Estate and Buildings to Local National Guard Units for Military Purposes.

Section 31-2-131 - Revolving Fund.

Section 31-2-132 - Regular Military Appropriations.

Section 31-2-133 - Special Appropriations for National Guard in Active Military Service of State.

Section 31-2-134 - National Guard Challenge Program.