(a) There shall be appropriated from the General Fund to the Legislature the sum of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000), or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the expenses of the Legislature in its organizational session and for the expense of such legislative interim committees as may be created by the Legislature.
(b) There shall be appropriated from the General Fund to the Legislature funds sufficient for the additional expenses incurred and payable to the members of the Legislature and for the operations of the Legislature during any special session called by the Governor, as certified by the Legislative Council.
Structure Code of Alabama
Chapter 1 - General Provisions.
Article 1 - Members, Terms, Records, Etc.
Section 29-1-1.2 - House Districts; Legal Actions; Official Maps; Severability; Effective Date.
Section 29-1-2.3 - Senate Districts; Legal Actions; Official Maps; Severability; Effective Date.
Section 29-1-2.4 - Effective Date.
Section 29-1-3 - Annual Sessions; Place of Meeting.
Section 29-1-4 - Time of Meeting and Length of Organizational and Regular Sessions.
Section 29-1-5 - Length of Special Sessions.
Section 29-1-6 - Administration of Oath of Office to Members.
Section 29-1-7 - Privilege of Members From Arrest and Civil Process.
Section 29-1-8 - Compensation and Mileage of Officers and Members.
Section 29-1-8.1 - Treatment of Legislators' Travel Expenses for State Income Tax Purposes.
Section 29-1-9 - Compensation of Legislative Interim Committees.
Section 29-1-10 - Appropriation for Organization Sessions and Legislative Interim Committees.
Section 29-1-11 - Certification of Compensation Due Officers and Members.
Section 29-1-12 - Journals of House and Senate - Compiling and Filing.
Section 29-1-13 - Journals of House and Senate - Delivery to Secretary of State; Compensation.
Section 29-1-14 - Papers and Documents of Legislature - Deposit With Secretary of State.
Section 29-1-16 - Papers and Documents of Legislature - How Filed and Arranged.
Section 29-1-17 - Papers and Documents of Legislature - Secretary of State to Receipt for Papers.
Section 29-1-18 - Maximum Number of Members on Standing Committees of House of Representatives.
Section 29-1-20 - Trade of Old Equipment Upon Purchase of New Equipment for House or Senate.
Section 29-1-21 - Salaries of Legislative Officers and Employees.
Section 29-1-24 - Ozone Transport Oversight.
Section 29-1-25 - Alternate Distribution and Publication of Materials Supplied to Legislature.