Code of Alabama
Chapter 9 - Adjusters.
Section 27-9-6 - License - Suspension, Revocation or Refusal to Continue.

Repealed by Act 2011-637, §3, effective January 1, 2012.
(a) The commissioner may suspend for not more than 12 months or may revoke or refuse to continue any adjuster license if, after a hearing held on not less than 20 days' advance notice to the licensee of such hearing and of the charges against him by registered or certified mail as provided in subsection (c) of Section 27-2-18, he finds that as to the licensee any one or more of the following causes exist:
(1) For any cause for which issuance of the license could have been refused had it then existed and been known to the commissioner;
(2) For obtaining or attempting to obtain any such license through misrepresentation or fraud;
(3) For violation of or noncompliance with any applicable provision of this title or for willful violation of any lawful rule, regulation, or order of the commissioner;
(4) For misappropriation or conversion to his own use or illegal withholding of moneys or property belonging to policyholders, or insurers, or beneficiaries, or others and received in conduct of business under the license;
(5) Conviction, by final judgment, of a felony involving moral turpitude; or
(6) If in the conduct of his affairs under the license the licensee has used fraudulent or dishonest practices or has shown himself to be incompetent or untrustworthy.
(b) The license of a firm or corporation may be suspended, revoked or refused also for any of such causes as relate to any individual designated in the license to exercise its powers.
(c) Any party to the hearing, referred to in subsection (a) of this section, who is aggrieved by the suspension, revocation or refusal to continue a license may appeal from the commissioner's order relative thereto as provided in Section 27-2-32.