An insurer may invest in bonds and other evidences of indebtedness which are obligations of any state, county, city, town, village, municipality, district, or other political subdivision of any state or of any instrumentality or board thereof or of the United States of America issued to provide funds for public projects, or for refunding of bonds issued for such purposes, which are revenue producing and self-supporting if such obligations are secured by a lien on such revenues to pay principal and interest and the issuing body is required to charge adequate rates for the services so provided to pay all charges against the project, including principal and interest on all indebtedness outstanding against the project.
Structure Code of Alabama
Chapter 41 - Investments of Life, Disability and Burial Insurance Companies.
Section 27-41-1 - Applicability of Chapter.
Section 27-41-2 - Definitions.
Section 27-41-4 - General Requirements as to Eligibility of Investments.
Section 27-41-5 - Authorization of Investments by Board of Directors, Etc.
Section 27-41-6 - Limitations Upon Investments Generally.
Section 27-41-7 - Particular Investments - Bonds, Notes, etc., of United States.
Section 27-41-8 - Particular Investments - Loans Guaranteed by United States.
Section 27-41-11 - Particular Investments - Bonds, etc., of Local Public Housing Authorities.
Section 27-41-18 - Particular Investments - American Insurance Stocks.
Section 27-41-21 - Particular Investments - Obligations of Religious Institutions or Societies.
Section 27-41-25 - Particular Investments - Policy Loans.
Section 27-41-27 - Particular Investments - Securities, etc., of Foreign Countries.
Section 27-41-31 - Particular Investments - Data Processing and Accounting Systems.
Section 27-41-33 - Particular Investments - Loans on Personal Property; Chattel Mortgages.
Section 27-41-34 - Particular Investments - Real Estate.
Section 27-41-34.1 - Particular Investments - Oil and Gas Producing Properties and Facilities.
Section 27-41-35 - Miscellaneous Investments.
Section 27-41-37 - Investments of Mutual Aid Associations - Generally.
Section 27-41-39 - Investments of Foreign and Alien Insurers; Cash Equivalents.