Code of Alabama
Article 3 - Removal to Another State.
Section 26-8-41 - Removal of Property of Minor or Ward Whose Parent, etc., Resides Without State or Removes Minor or Ward From State - Application, etc., for Order of Removal.

The application for the order of removal must be made in writing, signed by the parent, guardian, or other person having legal custody of the minor or ward, verified by affidavit and accompanied by a transcript, duly certified, of the appointment of a conservator for such minor or ward by a court of competent jurisdiction in the state of the residence of the parent, guardian, or other person having legal custody of the minor and of the bond of such conservator with sureties approved by such court; provided, that if the conservator so appointed is a corporate fiduciary which, under the laws of the state wherein appointed, is not required to make bond, a certificate from the appointing authority stating this may be filed in lieu of a copy of the conservator's bond.

Structure Code of Alabama

Code of Alabama

Title 26 - Infants and Incompetents.

Chapter 8 - Removal of Person or Property of Minors and Wards.

Article 3 - Removal to Another State.

Section 26-8-40 - Removal of Property of Minor or Ward Whose Parent, etc., Resides Without State or Removes Minor or Ward From State - Authorization Generally.

Section 26-8-41 - Removal of Property of Minor or Ward Whose Parent, etc., Resides Without State or Removes Minor or Ward From State - Application, etc., for Order of Removal.

Section 26-8-42 - Removal of Property of Minor or Ward Whose Parent, etc., Resides Without State or Removes Minor or Ward From State - Entry of Order of Removal.

Section 26-8-43 - Removal of Property of Minor or Ward Whose Parent, etc., Resides Without State or Removes Minor or Ward From State - Settlement of Conservatorship of Conservator Within State.

Section 26-8-44 - Removal of Property or Money When Minor or Ward and Conservator Nonresidents - Authorization Generally.

Section 26-8-45 - Removal of Property or Money When Minor or Ward and Conservator Nonresidents - When Removal of Person and Estate of Minor or Ward Permitted.

Section 26-8-46 - Removal of Property or Money When Minor or Ward and Conservator Nonresidents - Transcript Showing Appointment as Conservator of Minor or Ward in State of Residence, etc.; Notice to Resident Administrator, Guardian, etc.; Entry of Or...

Section 26-8-47 - Removal of Property or Money When Minor or Ward and Conservator Nonresidents - Discharge of Resident Administrator, Etc.

Section 26-8-48 - Sale of Property to Effect Removal Thereof From State - Authorization.

Section 26-8-49 - Sale of Property to Effect Removal Thereof From State - Application for Order of Sale.

Section 26-8-50 - Sale of Property to Effect Removal Thereof From State - Proceedings Under Application; Appointment, Powers, etc., of Commissioner for Conduct of Sale.

Section 26-8-51 - Sale of Property to Effect Removal Thereof From State - Disposition of Proceeds From Sale; Compensation of Commissioner.

Section 26-8-52 - Foreign Conservator to Execute and Deliver Receipts for Money or Property Removed From State.