(a) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (b), a presumed father may bring an action to disprove paternity at any time. If the presumed father persists in his status as the legal father of a child, neither the mother nor any other individual may maintain an action to disprove paternity.
(b) A presumption of paternity under this section may be rebutted in an appropriate action only by clear and convincing evidence. In the event two or more conflicting presumptions arise, that which is founded upon the weightier considerations of public policy and logic, as evidenced by the facts, shall control. The presumption of paternity is rebutted by a court decree establishing paternity of the child by another man.
Structure Code of Alabama
Title 26 - Infants and Incompetents.
Chapter 17 - Alabama Uniform Parentage Act.
Article 6 - Proceeding to Adjudicate Parentage.
Part 1 - Nature of Proceeding.
Section 26-17-601 - Proceeding Authorized.
Section 26-17-602 - Standing to Maintain Proceeding.
Section 26-17-603 - Parties to Proceeding.
Section 26-17-604 - Personal Jurisdiction.
Section 26-17-607 - Action to Disprove Parentage When There Is a Presumed Father.
Section 26-17-608 - Estoppel to Deny Paternity.
Section 26-17-609 - Limitation: Child Having Acknowledged.
Section 26-17-611 - Proceeding Before Birth.
Section 26-17-612 - Child as Party; Representation.
Section 26-17-613 - Right to Counsel; Fees, Expenses, and Costs.