When workings are being driven toward any worked out and inaccessible or abandoned area or a shaft, that may contain accumulations of gases or water and cannot be inspected, they shall be narrowed to eight feet or less in width. Persons driving these workings shall constantly keep one bore hole near the center of the working and 20 feet in advance and one bore hole 15 feet deep in each rib at a 45 degree angle and at intervals of six feet as the face is advanced. These test holes shall not be used for blasting. Separate blasting holes, not over four feet deep, must be drilled. These precautions must begin at least 100 feet from the probable source of danger.
Structure Code of Alabama
Title 25 - Industrial Relations and Labor.
Article 4 - Mine Gases and Ventilation.
Section 25-9-81 - Use of Methane Detectors.
Section 25-9-82 - Standards and Procedures as to Gases and Air Quality.
Section 25-9-83 - Standards as to Volume of Air.
Section 25-9-84 - Coursing of Air.
Section 25-9-85 - Sealing, Testing, etc., of Abandoned Workings.
Section 25-9-86 - Examinations for Gases and Other Dangerous Conditions.
Section 25-9-87 - Use of Flame Safety Lamps.
Section 25-9-88 - Reports as to Ventilation, Gas Content, Reopening of Mines, Etc.
Section 25-9-89 - Procedure When Workings Approaching Inaccessible Accumulations of Gases or Water.