Code of Alabama
Article 1 - General Provisions.
Section 25-9-22 - Witnesses at Proceedings Under Chapter Generally.

(a) The chief has the authority to administer oaths and to issue subpoenas requiring the attendance of witnesses to testify under oath in any proceeding and to require witnesses to answer all questions propounded to them. The sheriff or constable in the county in which such witnesses may reside or be found shall execute subpoenas issued as above provided, and they shall each receive for their services in executing such subpoenas the same fees as are allowed them respectively for executing subpoenas in other cases. Any witnesses summoned as above mentioned shall be entitled to the same mileage and per diem as is now allowed by law to such witnesses attending trials in the circuit court.
(b) If any witness subpoenaed as above mentioned shall fail to attend without good excuse, in accordance with the subpoena served on him, or shall fail to testify when attending, the chief before whom said proceedings are being had shall certify to the failure of any witness to attend and testify to a judge of the circuit court in the county where such proceeding is being held. The judge to whom such certificate is made shall cause such witness to appear before him at a time fixed by said judge to show cause why he should not be punished for contempt and shall fine or imprison such witness as such judge may deem proper in case he is found guilty of contempt in the premises.

Structure Code of Alabama

Code of Alabama

Title 25 - Industrial Relations and Labor.

Chapter 9 - Coal Mine Safety.

Article 1 - General Provisions.

Section 25-9-1 - Short Title; Purpose of Chapter.

Section 25-9-2 - Definitions.

Section 25-9-3 - Appointment of Mine Inspectors and Other Employees.

Section 25-9-4 - Certain Persons Not to Have Interest in Alabama Coal Mines.

Section 25-9-5 - Qualifications and Residence of Chief of Division.

Section 25-9-6 - Qualifications and Residence of Mine Inspectors and Head Mine Inspector.

Section 25-9-7 - Duties of Mine Inspectors Generally; Accompanying of Inspectors on Inspections by Representatives of Miners; Mine Examination Reports.

Section 25-9-8 - Certificate of Competency for Fire Bosses and Mine Foremen - Required.

Section 25-9-9 - Certificate of Competency for Fire Bosses and Mine Foremen - Board of Examiners.

Section 25-9-10 - Certificate of Competency for Fire Bosses and Mine Foremen - Examinations; Fees.

Section 25-9-11 - Certificate of Competency for Fire Bosses and Mine Foremen - Qualifications of Mine Foreman.

Section 25-9-12 - Certificate of Competency for Fire Bosses and Mine Foremen - Qualifications of Fire Boss.

Section 25-9-13 - Certificate of Competency for Fire Bosses and Mine Foremen - Replacement of Lost Certificates.

Section 25-9-14 - Certificate of Competency for Fire Bosses and Mine Foremen - Forged or Counterfeit Certificates; Uttering False Certificates; False Statements or Misrepresentations in Applications.

Section 25-9-15 - Certificate of Competency for Fire Bosses and Mine Foremen - Suspension, Cancellation, or Revocation; Voluntary Surrender of Certificate.

Section 25-9-16 - Failure of Fire Boss to Perform Required Duties.

Section 25-9-17 - Persons Authorized to Act as Fire Boss; Temporary Fire Boss or Mine Foreman.

Section 25-9-18 - Qualifications of Mine Foremen in Underground Mines.

Section 25-9-19 - Inspection of Working Places and Abandoned Areas of Mines by Foreman.

Section 25-9-20 - Schedule of Mine Inspections.

Section 25-9-21 - Instruments for Measurement of Air and Gases in Mines.

Section 25-9-22 - Witnesses at Proceedings Under Chapter Generally.

Section 25-9-23 - Expenses of Executing Subpoenas, Attendance of Witnesses, and Contempt Proceedings.

Section 25-9-24 - Reporting and Correction of Unsafe Conditions.

Section 25-9-26 - Persons Not Employees Not to Enter Mines Without Consent of Operator, Etc.

Section 25-9-27 - Entry Into Mine While Intoxicated; Transporting Intoxicating Liquor Into Mine.

Section 25-9-29 - Giving of Orders Requiring Violation of Chapter.

Section 25-9-28 - Solicitation of Funds From Employees for Purposes of Retaining or Procuring Employment, Etc.

Section 25-9-30 - Persons Under 18 Not to Work in or About Mines.