Code of Alabama
Article 10 - Hoisting and Haulage.
Section 25-9-215 - Safety Devices and Practices.

(a) Locomotives shall be equipped with proper devices for the rerailing of locomotives and cars.
(b) An audible warning device and headlights shall be provided on each locomotive.
(c) Approved trip markers shall be used on the rear of trips pulled or pushed and on the front of trips lowered into slopes. Markers are not required to be used during gathering operations at working faces. Permissible trip lights, efficient reflectors, or closed nonpermissible trip lights are acceptable as trip markers.
(d) Other than the motorman and trip rider, no person shall ride on a locomotive unless authorized by the mine foreman, and no person shall ride on loaded cars or between cars of any trip; except, that the trip rider may ride on the part of the trip adjudged safest by the mine foreman and concurred in by the mine inspector, preferably the first or the last car. When officials or other persons authorized by the mine foreman, trafficman, haulage boss, or dispatcher are transported on loaded trips, an empty car shall be placed between the locomotive and the first loaded car, or when physical conditions of haulage require it as a safety measure, the mine foreman may designate the rear of trips for the empty to be placed.
(e) Motormen and trip riders shall not get on or off the cars, trips, or locomotives in motion; except, that a trip rider may get on or off the rear end of a slowly moving trip to throw a switch or perform other necessary haulage duties.
(f) Slides, skids, or other adequate means shall be used on descending trips on grades where the locomotive or car tugger hoist is not adequate to control the trip.
(g) On any slope or plane where the grade is against loaded trip, a drag or other suitable device, adequate to derail cars or the trip of cars in case they break loose and run back, shall be used.
(h) Uniform haulage signals shall be adopted for each mine or mines operated, and shall be complied with by all haulage crews.
(i) Flying or running switches are forbidden. Mine rules as to block signals and other haulage practices not covered in these laws shall be complied with by all officials, haulage crews, and other workmen.