Code of Alabama
Article 7 - General Provisions.
Section 25-4-151 - Effect of Challenges to or Invalidation of Federal Unemployment Compensation Amendments of 1976.

In the event any portion of Section 115 of the unemployment compensation amendments of 1976 (Public Law 94-566, 94th Congress, dated October 20, 1976), as it applies to the requirement for states to provide coverage of certain services performed for local governmental entities under the various states' unemployment compensation law, is determined to be unconstitutional or invalid in a final adjudication by the courts of the United States, then from and after the date of such final adjudication, no local governmental entity of any county or municipality in the State of Alabama or their instrumentalities, or any separate public primary and secondary school system, as defined in Section 25-4-10, shall be required to participate in the unemployment compensation program; provided, that nothing herein shall be construed as invalidating the entitlement of such entities to elect coverage for their hospitals or institutions of higher education; provided further, that nothing herein shall be construed as relieving any entity of the responsibility for any contributions or payments in lieu of contributions incurred during the period prior to the date of the final adjudicational determination by the courts; provided further, that in the event any local governmental entity shall become a part of any suit in the courts of the United States challenging the constitutionality of the provisions of Section 115 of PL 94-566 and such court, of competent jurisdiction, shall temporarily stay the implementation of said provision of federal law, then during the effective period of such stay, the coverage of said services shall be stayed in this state but shall be applicable only to those entities that are, or are made, a party to the suit or included in the stay.

Structure Code of Alabama

Code of Alabama

Title 25 - Industrial Relations and Labor.

Chapter 4 - Unemployment Compensation.

Article 7 - General Provisions.

Section 25-4-130 - Duration of Employer's Coverage Under This Chapter; Termination of Coverage.

Section 25-4-131 - Election of Coverage Under Chapter by Employing Units and Political Subdivisions.

Section 25-4-132 - Assessment of Interest on Delinquent Contribution Payments.

Section 25-4-133 - Penalties for Delinquent Contribution Payments and Reports.

Section 25-4-134 - Procedures for Collection of Delinquent Contribution Payments.

Section 25-4-135 - Effect of Bankruptcy or Liquidation of Employer.

Section 25-4-136 - Secretary May Extend Time for Payment of Contributions.

Section 25-4-137 - Adjustments or Refunds.

Section 25-4-138 - Agreement to Waive Right to Benefits; Agreement to Pay Employer's Contributions; Reduction of Wages to Finance Employer's Contributions.

Section 25-4-139 - Fees in Proceedings Under Chapter.

Section 25-4-140 - Certain Assignments, etc., of Right to Benefits Void; Exemption From Attachment, etc.; Exception.

Section 25-4-142 - Employment Security Administration Fund; Special Employment Security Administration Fund; Replacement of Certain Funds.

Section 25-4-143 - Appropriations.

Section 25-4-144 - Reservation of Right to Repeal or Amend Chapter.

Section 25-4-145 - Penalties; Limitation of Actions; Collection of Overpayments; Waiver of Overpayments.

Section 25-4-146 - Certain Employees of Department of Labor Constituted Peace Officers to Enforce Unemployment Compensation Law and Other Specified State Criminal Laws.

Section 25-4-147 - Arrest Fee; Disposition of Fees Collected.

Section 25-4-148 - Disposition of Trust Funds, etc., in Event of Invalidity of Provisions Pertaining to Payment of Contributions and Benefits.

Section 25-4-149 - Appropriation of Funds for Payment of Benefits for State Employees Generally.

Section 25-4-150 - Payment of Fringe Benefits for Employees of Local Boards of Education.

Section 25-4-151 - Effect of Challenges to or Invalidation of Federal Unemployment Compensation Amendments of 1976.

Section 25-4-152 - Deduction of Child Support Obligations; Procedures; Reimbursement for Administrative Costs; Time of Implementation; Deduction of Federal Income Tax.

Section 25-4-153 - Procedures Exclusive.

Section 25-4-154 - Penalties; Limitation of Actions; Collection of Overpayments; Waiver of Overpayments.