Code of Alabama
Article 3 - County Housing Authorities.
Section 24-1-78 - Exemption of Authority Property From Mortgage Foreclosures, Levy, and Execution and Judgment Liens.

No interest of the authority in any property, real or personal, shall be subject to sale by the foreclosure of a mortgage thereon, either through judicial proceedings or the exercise of a power of sale contained in such mortgage, except in the case of the mortgages provided for in Section 24-1-74. All property of the authority shall be exempt from levy and sale by virtue of an execution, or other process, to the same extent as now enjoyed by the properties of towns, cities, and counties of Alabama. No judgment against the authority shall be a charge or lien upon its property, real or personal. The provisions of this section shall not apply to or limit the right of obligees to foreclose any mortgage of the authority provided for in Section 24-1-74 and, in case of a foreclosure sale thereunder, to obtain a judgment for any deficiency due on the indebtedness secured thereby and issued on the full faith and credit of the authority. Such deficiency judgment shall be a lien and charge upon the property of the authority which may be levied on and sold by virtue of an execution or other judicial process for the purpose of satisfying such deficiency judgment.

Structure Code of Alabama

Code of Alabama

Title 24 - Housing.

Chapter 1 - Housing Authorities.

Article 3 - County Housing Authorities.

Section 24-1-60 - Legislative Findings and Declaration of Necessity.

Section 24-1-61 - Definitions.

Section 24-1-62 - Procedure for Incorporation of Authority; Boundaries of Authority; Denial of Petition for Incorporation; Resubmission of Petition After Denial.

Section 24-1-63 - Composition of Authority; Qualifications, Appointment, Term of Office, and Compensation of Housing Commissioners; Officers and Employees of Authority; Delegation of Powers and Duties by Authority.

Section 24-1-64 - Removal of Commissioners.

Section 24-1-66 - Powers and Duties of Authority Generally.

Section 24-1-67 - Acquisition of Property by Eminent Domain.

Section 24-1-68 - Acquisition, etc., of Property for Government Housing Projects.

Section 24-1-69 - Authority Housing Projects Subject to Local Zoning, Building, etc., Laws.

Section 24-1-70 - Issuance of Bonds by Authority; Types of and Security for Bonds Generally; Liability on Bonds.

Section 24-1-71 - Form, Denominations, Terms, etc., of Bonds; Sale of Bonds; Issuance of Interim Certificates, Etc.

Section 24-1-72 - Powers of Authority to Secure Payment of Bonds, Etc.

Section 24-1-73 - Contracts, etc., With Federal Government for Construction, etc., of Housing Projects.

Section 24-1-74 - Mortgages of Authority Property in Connection With Government Financed Projects.

Section 24-1-75 - Remedies of Obligee of Authority Generally.

Section 24-1-76 - Remedies Conferrable Upon Obligees of Authority by Trust Indenture, Mortgage, Etc.

Section 24-1-77 - Remedies Cumulative.

Section 24-1-78 - Exemption of Authority Property From Mortgage Foreclosures, Levy, and Execution and Judgment Liens.

Section 24-1-79 - Title Acquired by Purchasers at Sale of Authority Property Subject to Agreements With Government.

Section 24-1-80 - Security for Funds Deposited by Authorities in Banks and Trust Companies.

Section 24-1-81 - Low Income Housing in Rural Areas.

Section 24-1-82 - Annual Report and Recommendations of Authority.

Section 24-1-83 - Enforcement of Article and Contracts of Authority.

Section 24-1-84 - Conflicting Provisions.