The Governor, the State Health Officer and the Director of Finance shall present to the Secretary of State of Alabama an application signed by them which shall set forth:
(1) The name, official designation and official residence of each of the applicants;
(2) The date on which each applicant was inducted into office and the term of office of each of the applicants;
(3) The name of the proposed corporation, which shall be "Alabama Pollution Control Finance Authority;"
(4) The location of the principal office of the proposed corporation; and
(5) Any other matters relating to the corporation which the applicants may choose to insert and which are not inconsistent with this chapter or the laws of the state.
The application shall be subscribed and sworn to by each of the applicants before an officer authorized by the laws of the state to take acknowledgments to deeds. If upon examination of the application it is found that it substantially complies with the requirements of this chapter, the Secretary of State shall receive and file the application and record it in an appropriate book of records.
Structure Code of Alabama
Title 22 - Health, Mental Health, and Environmental Control.
Title 1 - Health and Environmental Control Generally.
Chapter 29 - Pollution Control Finance Authority.
Section 22-29-1 - Definitions.
Section 22-29-2 - Purpose of Chapter.
Section 22-29-3 - Incorporation - Authorized.
Section 22-29-4 - Incorporation - Application.
Section 22-29-5 - Incorporation - Certificate of Incorporation.
Section 22-29-6 - Members, Officers and Directors; Quorum; Resolutions and Orders.
Section 22-29-8 - Bonds - Authorization to Issue and Sell; Security for Payment.
Section 22-29-9 - Bonds - Procedure for Sale.
Section 22-29-10 - Bonds - Presumption of Validity; Contest of Validity.
Section 22-29-11 - Temporary Financing.
Section 22-29-12 - Refunding Bonds.
Section 22-29-13 - Execution of Bonds, Certificates and Promissory Notes.
Section 22-29-14 - Bonds and Coupons Deemed Negotiable Instruments.
Section 22-29-15 - Bonds, Notes and Certificates Not Debt of State.
Section 22-29-16 - Custody of Moneys and Funds; Disposition of Same.
Section 22-29-17 - Grants to Local Public Bodies - Authorized.
Section 22-29-18 - Grants to Local Public Bodies - Appropriations.
Section 22-29-19 - Grants to Local Public Bodies - Applications.
Section 22-29-20 - Grants to Local Public Bodies - Plan or Program.
Section 22-29-21 - Grants to Local Public Bodies - Powers of Local Public Bodies.