This compact shall be effective on its adoption by at least two member states and consent of the United States Congress. This compact shall be effective unless the United States Congress, in consenting to this compact, alters the fundamental purposes of this compact, which are:
(1) To secure the right of the member states to regulate health care in their respective states pursuant to this compact and to suspend the operation of any conflicting federal laws, rules, regulations, and orders within their states.
(2) To secure federal funding for member states that choose to invoke their authority under this compact, as prescribed by Section 22-21A-5.
Structure Code of Alabama
Title 22 - Health, Mental Health, and Environmental Control.
Title 1 - Health and Environmental Control Generally.
Chapter 21A - Health Care Compact.
Section 22-21A-1 - Definitions.
Section 22-21A-3 - Legislative Power.
Section 22-21A-4 - State Control.
Section 22-21A-6 - Interstate Advisory Health Care Commission.
Section 22-21A-7 - Congressional Consent.