Code of Alabama
Article 2 - Swine Industry.
Section 2-8-56 - Bond of Treasurer of Association.

Before any money is remitted by the Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries to the treasurer of an organization or association as authorized under the provisions of this article, the treasurer of said organization shall furnish to the commissioner a bond approved by the commissioner in an amount not less than the estimated quarterly receipts but not more than the estimated annual total amount of the assessment handled by such officer. The surety on said bond shall be a corporate surety company duly qualified and licensed to do business in Alabama, and said bond shall be conditioned upon the faithful handling, proper accounting and properly authorized expenditure of all funds received and disbursed by the principal named in said bond.

Structure Code of Alabama

Code of Alabama

Title 2 - Agriculture.

Chapter 8 - Promotion of Agricultural Industries and Products.

Article 2 - Swine Industry.

Section 2-8-40 - Legislative Purpose and Intent.

Section 2-8-41 - Authorized Activities Not Illegal or in Restraint of Trade.

Section 2-8-42 - Referendum and Assessments Declared to Be in Public Interest.

Section 2-8-43 - Application of Swine Producers' Association for Certification and Approval to Conduct Referendum - Generally.

Section 2-8-44 - Application of Swine Producers' Association for Certification and Approval to Conduct Referendum - Action by Board on Application.

Section 2-8-45 - Authority of Certified Association to Conduct Referendum on Assessment.

Section 2-8-46 - Notice of Referendum.

Section 2-8-47 - Conduct of Referendum; Payment of Expense.

Section 2-8-48 - Eligibility to Vote in Referendum; Question to Be Voted On.

Section 2-8-49 - Majority Vote Required for Approval of Assessment; Canvass of Results; Limitations on Assessments.

Section 2-8-50 - Subsequent Referendums.

Section 2-8-51 - Collection of Assessments; Deductions for Expenses.

Section 2-8-52 - Remission of Collections to Treasurer of Association.

Section 2-8-54 - Refund of Assessment to Swine Producer.

Section 2-8-55 - Exempt Sales.

Section 2-8-56 - Bond of Treasurer of Association.

Section 2-8-57 - Expenditure of Assessments.

Section 2-8-58 - Joint Programs With Other States.

Section 2-8-59 - Annual Audit of Association; Examination by Department of Examiners of Public Accounts; Publication of Statement.

Section 2-8-60 - Rules and Regulations.

Section 2-8-61 - Enforcement Duties of Commissioner; Revocation of Certification of Association.

Section 2-8-62 - Penalty for Failure to Deduct and Pay Over Assessment; Inspection of Books and Records; Injunctions.