Code of Alabama
Article 7 - Grain Industry.
Section 2-8-246 - Expenditure of Assessments; Disbursements Not Subject to Budget or Allotment Requirements.

The funds derived from any assessments levied upon the sale of wheat, corn, grain sorghum, and oats as authorized under this article shall be used and expended by the certified association after such funds are remitted to it by the Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries for the purpose of promoting and stimulating by advertising and other methods the increased use and sale of wheat, corn, grain sorghum, oats, and wheat, corn, grain sorghum, and oats products. Any funds expended by the certified association not authorized by the promotional program previously approved shall be deemed as an unauthorized and illegal expenditure of such funds. All funds approved by the certified association for expenditure as required hereunder by any certified association for an approved promotional program for the wheat, corn, grain sorghum, and oat industry as authorized under this article are hereby appropriated for disbursement and expenditure by said certified associations to carry out any such approved promotional program or programs, and it shall not be necessary for the Legislature to make any specific or general appropriation for such disbursements or expenditures nor shall such disbursements and expenditures be subject to the budget and allotment requirements of Title 41, Chapter 4, Article 4, and such disbursements and expenditures shall not be restricted or subject to any other requirements for any general or special appropriations.

Structure Code of Alabama

Code of Alabama

Title 2 - Agriculture.

Chapter 8 - Promotion of Agricultural Industries and Products.

Article 7 - Grain Industry.

Section 2-8-230 - Legislative Intent and Purpose.

Section 2-8-231 - Authorized Activities Not Illegal or in Restraint of Trade.

Section 2-8-232 - Referendum and Assessments Declared to Be in Public Interest.

Section 2-8-233 - Application of Nonprofit Association for Certification and Approval to Conduct Referendum — Generally.

Section 2-8-234 - Application of Nonprofit Association for Certification and Approval to Conduct Referendum - Action by Board on Application.

Section 2-8-235 - Authority of Certified Association to Conduct Referendum on Assessment.

Section 2-8-236 - Notice of Referendum.

Section 2-8-237 - Conduct of Referendum; Payment of Expenses.

Section 2-8-238 - Eligibility to Vote in Referendum; Question to Be Voted On.

Section 2-8-239 - Majority Vote Required for Approval of Assessment; Canvass of Results; Limitations on Assessment.

Section 2-8-240 - Subsequent Referendums.

Section 2-8-241 - Collection of Assessments; Deductions by First Purchaser; Remittance to Commissioner; Inspection of Books and Records; Commissioner to Deduct Percent for Expenses.

Section 2-8-242 - Remittances to Treasurer of Association by Commissioner.

Section 2-8-243 - Provisions of Article Not Applicable to Certain Purchases.

Section 2-8-244 - Refund of Assessment When Producer Dissatisfied; Procedure.

Section 2-8-245 - Treasurer of Association to Be Bonded.

Section 2-8-246 - Expenditure of Assessments; Disbursements Not Subject to Budget or Allotment Requirements.

Section 2-8-247 - Joint Programs With Other States.

Section 2-8-248 - Annual Audit of Association; Review by Examiner of Public Accounts; Publication of Statement.

Section 2-8-249 - Rules and Regulations.

Section 2-8-250 - Enforcement Duties of Commissioner; Revocation of Certification of Association.

Section 2-8-251 - Purchasers to Obtain Permit From Commissioner; Procedure.

Section 2-8-252 - Penalty for Failure to Deduct and Pay Over Assessment, Obtain Permit, etc.; Injunctive Relief Authorized.