Code of Alabama
Article 1A - Garrett Coliseum Agricultural Center Restoration and Improvement Act.
Section 2-6-11 - Legislative Findings.

The Legislature finds that the Garrett Coliseum and the Alabama Agricultural Center, hereinafter the facility, is a significant historic facility owned by the State of Alabama and which faces imminent closure because of operational and public safety concerns if it is not restored, renovated, and improved. The facility was designed in 1949 by Betty Robinson, the first woman graduate from Auburn University with a degree in architecture. The facility, completed in 1953, is of historic and cultural significance to the State of Alabama and its restoration will enhance opportunities for economic development that will benefit the state. The Legislature further finds that the most efficient way to restore the facility and to operate it profitably is for the Alabama Agricultural Center Board, hereinafter referred to as the board, to enter into agreements with public institutions and other entities through which the use of private funding is primarily used to restore, renovate, and improve the facility. To assist the board with the restoration, renovation, further development, and improvement of the facility, the Legislature will provide for an annual continuing appropriation to the board as specified herein.