Code of Alabama
Article 1 - General Provisions.
Section 2-26-14 - Exemptions From Article.

The provisions of this article do not apply to:
(1) Seed when sold directly to and in the presence of the consumer and taken from the container properly labeled in accordance with the provisions of this article, but this provision shall in no way exempt the vendor from the analysis given on the tag or label attached to any container;
(2) Seed or grain not intended for sowing or planting purposes if proper indication of such intention is shown;
(3) Seed in storage in or consigned to a seed-cleaning or processing establishment for cleaning or processing; provided, that for seed to be processed and stored in the same room from which seed are delivered for planting, sowing or resale, each bag shall bear a label or there shall be displayed a large placard with the following words "For Processing - Not for Sale;" further provided, that seed held in storage for interstate shipment need be labeled only with a lot number supported by an analysis in office files; and provided further, that any labeling or other representations which may be made with respect to such seed shall be subject to this article;
(4) Seed produced in Alabama and sold by the farmer who produced such seed to another farmer with the provision that if such seed are advertised for sale by a paid advertisement or by free advertisement through publications of the Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries such seed shall be subject to all of the requirements of this article; provided, however, that farmer-producers selling only their own production shall not be required to obtain the permit except as required under Section 2-26-5; or
(5) Seed sold or distributed by the grower thereof, unless such grower is also a dealer, to a local merchant in due course of trade and by such local merchant resold in due course of trade, but without advertising and without holding himself as a dealer as defined in this article.

Structure Code of Alabama

Code of Alabama

Title 2 - Agriculture.

Chapter 26 - Seeds.

Article 1 - General Provisions.

Section 2-26-1 - Definitions.

Section 2-26-2 - Powers and Duties of Commissioner Generally.

Section 2-26-3 - Promulgation of Rules and Regulations by State Board.

Section 2-26-3.1 - Exclusive Jurisdiction of Board and Commissioner; Local Regulation of Seeds Prohibited.

Section 2-26-4 - Establishment of Seed Division and Testing Laboratory; Enforcement of Rules and Regulations as to Sale or Distribution of Tree or Shrub Seed.

Section 2-26-5 - Annual Permit Fees.

Section 2-26-6 - Injunctive Proceedings to Restrain Persons Selling, Processing, Cleaning, etc., Seed Without Permit.

Section 2-26-7 - Requirements as to Labeling of Containers in Which Seed Sold, Distributed, Etc.

Section 2-26-8 - Analyses and Interpretations of Seeds.

Section 2-26-9 - Requirements as to Certification, etc., of Hybrid Seed Corn Sold or Offered for Sale.

Section 2-26-10 - Maintenance, Inspection, etc., of Records as to Receipt, Sale and Delivery of Seeds Generally; Maintenance of Sales Records by Retail Sellers; Maintenance of Bills of Lading, Waybills, etc., by Trucks, etc., Transporting Seed for Sa...

Section 2-26-11 - Prohibited Acts.

Section 2-26-12 - Suspension From Sale, Seizure and Condemnation of Articles Not in Compliance With Provisions of Article.

Section 2-26-13 - Violation of Provisions of Article or Rules or Regulations Promulgated Hereunder Deemed Misdemeanor.

Section 2-26-14 - Exemptions From Article.

Section 2-26-15 - Seed Inspection Fees; Reporting.