Code of Alabama
Article 2 - Express Trusts for Payment or Security of Debts.
Section 19-3-29 - Presentation of Claims; Verification; Receipt.

All claims against the trust estate must be presented by or on the day specified in such order and notice, by filing the claim, or a statement thereof, in the office of the register or clerk, verified as claims against the estate of a decedent are required to be verified, before a notary public or other officer authorized to take and certify affidavits within or beyond the state; and all claims not so presented are precluded from sharing in the assignment or participating in any dividend that may be made from the trust estate, until all presented and allowed claims shall have been paid in full. But when a claim has been so presented prior to giving of such notice, a second presentation is not necessary. Any defect or insufficiency in the affidavit may be remedied by amendment at any time. The register or clerk must give to the creditor, his agent or attorney a receipt for his claim, and must indorse thereon the date of filing and sign his name thereto.

Structure Code of Alabama

Code of Alabama

Title 19 - Fiduciaries and Trusts.

Chapter 3 - Trusts.

Article 2 - Express Trusts for Payment or Security of Debts.

Section 19-3-20 - Right of Creditors to Apply for Order Requiring Trustee to Give Bond.

Section 19-3-21 - Contents of Application; Notice of Hearing.

Section 19-3-22 - Hearing; Order.

Section 19-3-23 - Failure of Trustee to Give Bond; Appointment of Successor.

Section 19-3-24 - Duty of Trustee to Make Inventory; Filing of Copies; Supplemental Inventories.

Section 19-3-25 - Appointment and Duties of Appraisers.

Section 19-3-26 - When Petition for Administration May Be Filed; Contents of Petition.

Section 19-3-27 - Submission of Petition to Circuit Judge; Order Designating Time for Presenting Claims.

Section 19-3-28 - Notice to Creditors.

Section 19-3-29 - Presentation of Claims; Verification; Receipt.

Section 19-3-30 - Claims Docket.

Section 19-3-31 - Claims Presented and Not Objected to Stand Allowed.

Section 19-3-32 - Objections to Claims - Filing of Objections.

Section 19-3-33 - Objections to Claims - Time for Hearing; Notice.

Section 19-3-34 - Objections to Claims - Conduct of Hearing; Order Allowing or Disallowing Claim.

Section 19-3-35 - Duty of Trustee to Render Account.

Section 19-3-36 - Time for Settlement; Notice to Creditors.

Section 19-3-37 - Examination and Auditing of Account; Judgment.

Section 19-3-38 - Admissibility of Evidence at Hearings; Exceptions; Appeals.

Section 19-3-39 - Compromise or Sale of Bad Debts.

Section 19-3-40 - Sale of Real Estate; Notice to Creditors.

Section 19-3-41 - When Settlements Compelled; Removal of Trustee and Appointment of Successor.