Code of Alabama
Chapter 7 - Electronic Voting Machines.
Section 17-7-26 - Limitation on Committee's Authority.

The authority of the Alabama Electronic Voting Committee relative to voting equipment shall be limited to the electronic vote counting equipment authorized under the provisions of this article and such committee shall have no authority to examine, approve, disapprove, or otherwise affect the use of other voting equipment.

Structure Code of Alabama

Code of Alabama

Title 17 - Elections.

Chapter 7 - Electronic Voting Machines.

Section 17-7-1 - Payment for Machines.

Section 17-7-2 - Warrants or Certificates for Purchase - Issuance; Form; Interest.

Section 17-7-3 - Warrants or Certificates for Purchase - Obligation of County; Disposition of Proceeds.

Section 17-7-4 - Warrants or Certificates for Purchase - Pledge of General Ad Valorem Tax for Payment.

Section 17-7-5 - Warrants or Certificates for Purchase - Refunding Authorized.

Section 17-7-5.1 - Time of Holding Elections.

Section 17-7-6 - Warrants or Certificates for Purchase - Sections 17-7-2 Through 17-7-7 Control Inconsistent Laws.

Section 17-7-7 - Warrants or Certificates for Purchase - Applicability of Sections 17-7-2 Through 17-7-7.

Section 17-7-8 - Booths and Place for Holding Election to Be Provided.

Section 17-7-11 - Proclaiming Polls Open.

Section 17-7-12 - Voting Without Registration and Taking Oath.

Section 17-7-13 - Elector to Vote in County and Precinct of Residence.

Section 17-7-14 - When Registration Certificate Not Required.

Section 17-7-15 - Voter to Sign Name on Poll List; Exceptions.

Section 17-7-16 - Poll List to Be Sealed.

Section 17-7-17 - Unlawful Use of Poll List.

Section 17-7-18 - Proximity of Persons to Polling Place.

Section 17-7-19 - Loitering About Polling Place; Standing in Line of Voters After Having Voted.

Section 17-7-20 - Definitions.

Section 17-7-21 - Requirements for Approval of System.

Section 17-7-22 - Electronic Voting Committee.

Section 17-7-23 - Examination and Certification of Equipment.

Section 17-7-24 - Report of Certification or Rejection to Be Issued.

Section 17-7-25 - Implementation of Article.

Section 17-7-26 - Limitation on Committee's Authority.

Section 17-7-27 - Secretary of State May Implement Uniform System of Electronic Voting in Certain Counties.

Section 17-7-28 - Counties Participating in Project May Be Eligible to Receive State Funding.

Section 17-7-29 - Secretary of State May Provide for Orderly Acceptance of Counties Requesting to Participate; Reimbursement.