Each political party, by its state party convention or state executive committee, shall adopt, prepare, and file with the Secretary of State, at least 60 days before each election for state officers, an original copy and a copy in a digital or other electronic format acceptable by the Secretary of State of an emblem to be printed at the top of the column of such ballot assigned to such party, as a distinctive and characteristic heading thereof; and such emblem shall not be more than one inch and a half square. No party shall adopt an emblem similar in appearance to an emblem already adopted by another political party or organization, and the Secretary of State, upon the presentation or offer of any emblem which in his or her opinion is so like any other emblem already filed as to be likely to mislead any voter, shall forthwith notify the committee or any officer thereof or any person sending or offering such emblem of such similarity or resemblance and shall require such party, organization, or committee to adopt, prepare, and file another emblem. The emblem, once adopted, prepared, and filed as required, shall continue the emblem of the party adopting it until it is changed by the same or like authority as prepared, adopted, and filed the original emblem, and the changed emblem, as prepared and adopted, if filed and accepted by the Secretary of State as in case of the original emblem.
Structure Code of Alabama
Chapter 6 - Election Preparation.
Section 17-6-20 - Elections Must Be by Official Ballot.
Section 17-6-21 - Contents; Amendments; Withdrawal of Name.
Section 17-6-22 - Political Parties Not Included on Ballot Unless Requirements Met.
Section 17-6-23 - Uniform Ballots at Each Polling Place; Electors for President and Vice President.
Section 17-6-24 - Printing and Design.
Section 17-6-25 - Order of Listing of Candidates on Ballots.
Section 17-6-26 - Order of Arrangement; Content Requirements; Secrecy Envelopes or Folders.
Section 17-6-27 - Write-in Votes; Listing of Independent Candidates; Form of Ballots.
Section 17-6-28 - Requirements for Write-in Votes.
Section 17-6-29 - Party Emblem - Submission; Approval.
Section 17-6-30 - Party Emblem - Certification to Judge of Probate.
Section 17-6-31 - Party Emblem - Prohibited Designs.
Section 17-6-32 - Party Emblem - Use When Party Is Divided.
Section 17-6-33 - Designation of Different Offices of Same Classification.
Section 17-6-34 - Secret Ballot.
Section 17-6-35 - Procedure to Vote Straight Party Ticket.
Section 17-6-36 - Procedure to Vote for One Candidate Not on Party Ticket.
Section 17-6-37 - Procedure to Vote for Two or More Candidates on Different Party Tickets.
Section 17-6-38 - Procedure to Vote Split Ticket.
Section 17-6-39 - Procedure When Straight Party Ticket Does Not Contain Names of All Candidates.
Section 17-6-40 - Procedure to Vote for Person Whose Name Not on Ballot.
Section 17-6-41 - Ballot for Constitutional Amendment.
Section 17-6-42 - Ballots to Be Paid for by Counties and Cities.
Section 17-6-43 - Packaging of Ballots; Detachable Stubs.
Section 17-6-44 - Number of Ballots per Elector.
Section 17-6-45 - Performance of Duties Under Chapter for Municipal Elections.
Section 17-6-46 - Instructional Posters.
Section 17-6-47 - Blank Forms and Stationery for Election.