Code of Alabama
Chapter 5 - The Fair Campaign Practices Act.
Section 17-5-9 - (Effective August 1, 2023) Filing Procedures.

(a) All statements and reports, including amendments, required of principal campaign committees under the provisions of this chapter shall be filed with the Secretary of State in the case of candidates for state office or state elected officials, and in the case of candidates for local office or local elected officials, with the judge of probate of the county in which the office is sought for the 2016 election cycle.
(b) Political action committees, which seek to influence an election for local office or to influence a proposition regarding a single county, shall file all reports and statements, including amendments, with the judge of probate of the county affected. All other political action committees, except as provided in subsection (a) above, shall file reports and statements with the Secretary of State.
(c) In the case of candidates for a municipal office where the municipality is located in more than one county, the statements and reports shall be filed in the county where the city hall of the municipality is located. The judge of probate of the county where the report is filed, if the municipality is located in more than one county, shall provide a copy of the report to the judge of probate of the other county or counties where the municipality is located.
(d) For the 2014 and 2016 election cycles, all principal campaign committees and political action committees that file with the judge of probate, other than candidates for municipal office, may choose instead to file electronically with the Secretary of State pursuant to this chapter. Any such principal campaign committee or political action committee that chooses to file electronically with the Secretary of State shall first provide notice to the appropriate judge of probate, in a manner prescribed by the judge of probate, indicating that choice and shall continue to file electronically with the Secretary of State until terminated or dissolved pursuant to this chapter.
(e) Commencing with the 2018 election cycle, all principal campaign committees and political action committees that file with the judge of probate, other than candidates for municipal office, shall file electronically with the Secretary of State pursuant to this chapter.

Structure Code of Alabama

Code of Alabama

Title 17 - Elections.

Chapter 5 - The Fair Campaign Practices Act.

Section 17-5-1 - Short Title.

Section 17-5-2 - Definitions.

Section 17-5-3 - Political Action Committees; Officers; Accounting and Reporting.

Section 17-5-4 - (Effective August 1, 2023) Filing Statement to Show Principal Campaign Committee; Duties and Procedures; Dissolution.

Section 17-5-5 - (Effective August 1, 2023) Statement of Organization; Notice of Termination or Dissolution.

Section 17-5-5.1 - Regulation of Legislative Caucus Organizations.

Section 17-5-6 - Checking Account; Expenditures.

Section 17-5-7 - Use of Excess Moneys Received; Solicitation, etc., of Contributions.

Section 17-5-7.1 - Return or Refund of Contributions.

Section 17-5-7.2 - Disposal of Campaign Property.

Section 17-5-8 - Reports of Contributions and Expenditures by Candidates, Committees, and Officials; Filing; Procedure

Section 17-5-8.1 - Electronic Reporting; Electronic Searchable Database; Rules.

Section 17-5-8.2 - Legislative Findings.

Section 17-5-9 - (Effective August 1, 2023) Filing Procedures.

Section 17-5-10 - (Effective August 1, 2023) Public Inspection of Reports; Date of Receipt.

Section 17-5-11 - (Effective August 1, 2023) Duties of Secretary of State.

Section 17-5-12 - Identification of Paid Advertisements.

Section 17-5-13 - Cards, Pamphlets, Circulars, etc., to Bear Name of Candidate, Committee, Etc.

Section 17-5-14 - Corporate Contributions or Expenditures to Political Action Committees; Establishment by Corporation; Actions by Utilities.

Section 17-5-14.1 - Establishment of Segregated, Separate Political Funds; Voluntary Contributions; Filing of Disclosure Reports; Violations.

Section 17-5-15 - Contributions by One Person in Name of Another; Contributions Between Political Action Committees, Etc.

Section 17-5-15.1 - Limitation on Receipt and Spending of Funds by Principal Campaign Committee of a State or Local Candidate.

Section 17-5-16 - Fraudulent Misrepresentation as Acting for Candidate, etc., Prohibited; Automated or Pre-Recorded Communications.

Section 17-5-17 - Solicitation by Force, Job Discrimination, Threats, etc., Prohibited.

Section 17-5-18 - Failure to File Required Statement or Report.

Section 17-5-19 - Violations.

Section 17-5-19.1 - (Effective August 1, 2023) Civil Penalties.

Section 17-5-19.2 - (Effective August 1, 2023) Administrative Review.

Section 17-5-20 - Appointment of Designated Filing Agents; Submission of Reports.

Section 17-5-21 - Administrative Rules.