When the dwelling of any person is located partly in two or more counties, districts, or precincts, such persons may select the county, district, or precinct of their domicile, and to that end may file a statement in writing in the office of the judge of probate of the county selected, setting forth the locality of their dwelling and the lines passing through the same, together with the county, district, or precinct selected for domicile, which statement, when filed and recorded, shall establish the domicile of the person filing it in the county, district, or precinct of their selection.
Structure Code of Alabama
Chapter 3 - Voter Registration.
Article 2 - Qualifications of Electors.
Section 17-3-30 - Qualifications of Electors Generally.
Section 17-3-30.1 - Disqualification of Electors for Felonies Involving Moral Turpitude.
Section 17-3-32 - Domicile Not Acquired or Lost by Temporary Absence.
Section 17-3-33 - Domicile of Persons Located Partly in Multiple Counties, Districts, or Precincts.
Section 17-3-34 - Persons Living on Boundary Lines Between Counties, Districts, or Precincts.