Code of Alabama
Article 4 - Inspection of Jails and Sanitation Requirements Generally.
Section 14-6-103 - Size, etc., of Jails, Etc.

Each county jail or town or city prison must be of sufficient size and strength to contain and keep securely the prisoners confined therein and must contain separate apartments for men and for women. It shall be fireproof, properly ventilated, sufficiently lighted by day and night, adequately heated and contain adequate sanitary plumbing and sewerage connections.

Structure Code of Alabama

Code of Alabama

Title 14 - Criminal Correctional and Detention Facilities.

Chapter 6 - Jails.

Article 4 - Inspection of Jails and Sanitation Requirements Generally.

Section 14-6-80 - Cities of 10,000 or Over Embraced in Article.

Section 14-6-81 - Duties of State Agency.

Section 14-6-82 - Authority to Order Jail, etc., Put in Proper Condition.

Section 14-6-83 - Power to Condemn Jails.

Section 14-6-84 - Sheriffs, etc., to Furnish Information on Request.

Section 14-6-85 - Penalty for Failure to Provide Information, Etc.

Section 14-6-86 - Formulation of Rules and Regulations.

Section 14-6-87 - Ordering, etc., of Alterations, Etc.

Section 14-6-88 - Ordering, etc., of Removal of Prisoners, Etc.

Section 14-6-89 - Ordering, etc., of Return of Prisoners, Etc.

Section 14-6-90 - Penalty for Refusal to Obey Orders of Board of Corrections.

Section 14-6-91 - Publication of Reports, Etc.

Section 14-6-92 - Fumigating, Cleansing and Painting Jails Generally.

Section 14-6-93 - Janitor Service, Bathing Facilities, Etc.

Section 14-6-94 - Prisoners to Be Compelled to Bathe.

Section 14-6-95 - Jails, etc., to Be Kept Clean, Etc.

Section 14-6-96 - Fumigation of Jails, etc., Where Persons With Infectious, etc., Diseases Confined.

Section 14-6-97 - Duty of Sheriff, etc., as to Food.

Section 14-6-98 - Monthly Report to Board of Corrections.

Section 14-6-99 - Appointment of Special Coroner.

Section 14-6-100 - Probate Judge to Furnish Grand Jury Report to Board of Corrections.

Section 14-6-101 - Notification of Board of Corrections as to Alterations, Etc.

Section 14-6-102 - Special Session of County Commission.

Section 14-6-103 - Size, etc., of Jails, Etc.

Section 14-6-104 - Payment of Expenses of Maintenance, etc., of Jails, Etc.

Section 14-6-105 - Deputies, Watchmen, etc., for Jails, Etc.

Section 14-6-106 - Inspection of Prisons, Convict Camps, Jails, Etc. - Authorization.

Section 14-6-107 - Inspection of Prisons, Convict Camps, Jails, Etc. - Powers and Effect of Orders of Board of Corrections.

Section 14-6-108 - Visiting of Places Outside the State by Board of Corrections.

Section 14-6-109 - Penalty for Violations of Provisions of Article for Which No Other Penalty Provided.