A witness who is an expert in any art, science, trade or profession may be compelled to appear and testify to an opinion as such expert in relation to any matter whenever such opinion is material evidence relevant to an issue on trial before a court or jury without payment or tender of compensation other than the per diem and mileage allowed by law to witnesses under the same rules and regulations by which he can be compelled to appear and testify as to his knowledge of facts relevant to the same issue.
Structure Code of Alabama
Chapter 21 - Evidence and Witnesses.
Article 1 - General Provisions.
Section 12-21-180 - Subpoenas for Witnesses.
Section 12-21-181 - Compelling of Appearance and Testimony of Expert Witnesses.
Section 12-21-182 - Proceedings Upon Failure of Subpoenaed Witness to Attend and Remain.
Section 12-21-183 - Execution of Warrants for Witnesses and Other Process in Adjoining Counties.
Section 12-21-184 - Securing Attendance of Witnesses Until Case Disposed Of.