(a) For the purposes of this section, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
(1) ANNIVERSARY DATE. Annually, the first Monday after the second Tuesday in January.
(2) PAY PLAN. The pay plan adopted by the Unified Judicial System personnel system, or its successor entity, providing the pay range with steps, as the same may be amended from time to time.
(3) STATE SALARY. The annual salary of circuit clerks and district clerks payable from the State Treasury.
(b) Effective January 18, 1999, the annual salary of circuit clerks and district clerks, who first take office by appointment or election on or after January 18, 1999, payable from the State Treasury shall be fixed at step one of the pay plan for Assistant Clerk of the Court of Criminal Appeals. Thereafter, the state salary of circuit clerks and district clerks shall be increased annually, on the anniversary date, by one step on the pay plan until the maximum step authorized by the pay plan is reached. This section shall not diminish any local supplement currently provided to any circuit clerk or district clerk pursuant to any general or local act; provided further that nothing in this section as amended by Act 98-301 of the 1998 Regular Session shall serve to increase any local supplement in effect on July 1, 1998. In no event shall the annual state salary of any circuit clerk or district clerk be diminished by this section.
(c) Effective January 18, 1999, the state salary payable to circuit clerks and district clerks, who are already serving in office on that date and who have not more than six years of service, shall be an amount equal to step five of the pay plan for Assistant Clerk of the Court of Criminal Appeals. The state salary shall be increased on January 17, 2000, or on the anniversary date of creditable service, to step six of the pay plan. Beginning on the anniversary date in the year 2002, and annually thereafter, the state salary shall be increased in an amount equal to one step in the pay plan until the maximum step authorized by the pay plan is reached.
(d) Effective January 18, 1999, the state salary payable to circuit clerks and district clerks, who are in office on that date and who have not less than six and not more than 12 years of service, shall be an amount equal to fifty-four thousand dollars ($54,000), plus one-third of the difference between fifty-four thousand dollars ($54,000) and step 12 of the pay plan for Assistant Clerk of the Court of Criminal Appeals. The state salary shall be increased on January 17, 2000, to an amount equal to fifty-four thousand dollars ($54,000), plus two-thirds of the difference between fifty-four thousand dollars ($54,000) and step 12 of the pay plan. The state salary shall be increased on January 15, 2001, or on the anniversary date of creditable service, to an amount equal to step 12 of the pay plan. Beginning on the anniversary date in the year 2002, and annually thereafter, the state salary shall be increased in an amount equal to one step in the pay plan until the maximum step authorized by the pay plan is reached.
(e) Effective January 18, 1999, the state salary payable to circuit clerks and district clerks, who are in office on that date and who have more than 12 years of service, shall be an amount equal to fifty-four thousand dollars ($54,000), plus one-third of the difference between fifty-four thousand dollars ($54,000) and step 18 of the pay plan for Assistant Clerk of the Court of Criminal Appeals. The state salary shall be increased on January 17, 2000, to an amount equal to fifty-four thousand dollars ($54,000), plus two-thirds of the difference between fifty-four thousand dollars ($54,000) and step 18 of the pay plan for Assistant Clerk of the Court of Criminal Appeals. The state salary shall be increased on January 15, 2001, or on the anniversary date of creditable service, to an amount equal to step 18 of the pay plan.
(f) Notwithstanding the provisions of this section as amended by Act 98-301 of the 1998 Regular Session, no circuit or district clerk shall receive any salary increase for state employees which is enacted to apply effective FY 1999.