Judges of circuit courts may grant writs of certiorari directed to judges of district and municipal courts in all cases where appeals lie from such courts to the circuit court.
Structure Code of Alabama
Chapter 17 - Circuit and District Court Personnel.
Article 2 - Circuit Court Judges.
Division 1 - General Provisions.
Section 12-17-20 - Number of Judges in Each Circuit.
Section 12-17-23 - Presiding Judges - How Selected.
Section 12-17-24 - Presiding Judges - Supervision of Judges and Other Court Personnel.
Section 12-17-24.1 - Family Court Divisions; Implementation Plan.
Section 12-17-24.2 - Jurisdiction of Family Court Division.
Section 12-17-25 - Appointment of Relief Judges to Assist in Clearing Dockets.
Section 12-17-26 - Authority and Duties Generally.
Section 12-17-27 - Authority of Judge Outside Own Circuit.
Section 12-17-28 - Writs of Certiorari to District and Municipal Courts.
Section 12-17-29 - Absence of Judge Adjourns Court.
Section 12-17-30 - Salary; Effect on Other Provisions; Judges and District Attorney's Supplements.