Code of Alabama
Division 4 - Supernumerary Clerks and Registers.
Section 12-17-140 - Qualifications for Supernumerary Status Generally; Applicability of Division; Eligibility of Clerk or Register of Circuit Court With 23 Years of Service.

(a) Any clerk or register of the circuit court, serving on October 1, 1976, or clerk elected or appointed in any county of the State of Alabama:

The provisions of this division shall apply only to those persons who are 55 years of age or older and who are in office on October 1, 1976, or who may thereafter become eligible under its provisions.
(b) Any circuit clerk who is serving as such clerk on October 1,1976, and who has served for at least 23 years on said date shall be eligible for supernumerary status at any time notwithstanding any provisions of this title, provided he has paid contributions into the supernumerary fund for the maximum number of years required by this division.
(c) Any register of the circuit court who has served for at least 23 years shall be eligible for supernumerary status at any time notwithstanding any provisions of this title, provided he has paid contributions into the supernumerary fund for the maximum number of years required by this division.