Redemption may be effected after expiration of the fixed two-year period of redemption allowed or provided by Section 11-53B-10 and before the extended period of redemption has expired in the same manner and at the same redemption price as is provided in Section 11-53B-10; provided, that if the judge of probate has made the certificate of warning to redeem as provided in Section 11-53B-12, said redemption price shall be increased by one dollar ($1).
Structure Code of Alabama
Title 11 - Counties and Municipal Corporations.
Title 2 - Provisions Applicable to Municipal Corporations Only.
Chapter 53B - Municipal Authority to Repair or Demolish Unsafe Structures.
Section 11-53B-1 - Legislative Findings.
Section 11-53B-2 - Demolition or Repair Upon Finding of Necessity and Notice Given.
Section 11-53B-3 - Notice From Appropriate City Official; Failure to Comply.
Section 11-53B-4 - Hearing; Appeal.
Section 11-53B-5 - Fixing of Costs.
Section 11-53B-6 - Assessment of Costs.
Section 11-53B-7 - Payment of Costs.
Section 11-53B-8 - Failure to Make Payment.
Section 11-53B-9 - Sale of Property Upon Default.
Section 11-53B-10 - Redemption of Property.
Section 11-53B-11 - Extension of Redemption.
Section 11-53B-12 - Certificate of Warning to Redeem.
Section 11-53B-13 - Application for Entry of Certificate.
Section 11-53B-14 - Redemption Effected.
Section 11-53B-15 - Emergency Action.
Section 11-53B-16 - Assessment Liens for Demolition or Renovation.