Bonds of an authority may be executed and delivered by it at any time, shall be in the form and denominations and of the tenor and maturity or maturities not exceeding 30 years from their date, shall bear the rate or rates of interest, which may be fixed or which may float or vary based on some index or other standard deemed appropriate by the board or pursuant to periodic determinations made by an agent of the authority, shall be payable and evidenced in the manner, may contain provisions for redemption prior to maturity, and may contain other provisions not inconsistent with the provisions of this article, all as may be provided by the resolution of the board authorizing the bonds or by the indenture whereunder the bonds are authorized to be issued. A bond of any authority having a specified maturity date more than 10 years after its date shall be made subject to redemption at the option of the authority at the end of the tenth year after its date, and on any interest payment date thereafter, under such terms and conditions and at such premiums, if any, as may be provided in the resolution under which the bond is authorized to be issued. Any borrowing may be effected by the issuance and sale of bonds at either public or private sale in the manner, at the price or prices, at the time or times and on the other terms and conditions as may be determined by the board to be most advantageous to the authority.
Structure Code of Alabama
Title 11 - Counties and Municipal Corporations.
Title 2 - Provisions Applicable to Municipal Corporations Only.
Chapter 47 - Powers, Duties and Liabilities Generally.
Article 9 - Parks, Playgrounds, and Other Recreational and Athletic Areas and Facilities.
Section 11-47-210 - Definitions.
Section 11-47-210.1 - Legislative Findings and Declarations.
Section 11-47-215 - Certificate of Incorporation of Authorities - Contents.
Section 11-47-217 - Boards of Directors of Authorities.
Section 11-47-220 - Construction of Article.
Section 11-47-223 - Bonds of an Authority - Signature and Seal.
Section 11-47-227 - Construction of Bonds as Negotiable Instruments.
Section 11-47-228 - Exemption From Taxation.
Section 11-47-230 - Compliance With State Laws Governing Competitive Bidding.
Section 11-47-231 - Bonds as Legal Investments.
Section 11-47-232 - Authority as Nonprofit Corporation.
Section 11-47-234 - Eminent Domain.
Section 11-47-237 - Application of State Ethics Act to Members of Authorities.
Section 11-47-238 - Relationship of Article to Other Laws.
Section 11-47-239 - Construction of Article to Effect Its Purpose.