Code of Alabama
Article 3 - Elections in Certain Cities or Towns Having Commission Form of Government.
Section 11-46-97 - Proceedings Where Only One Candidate for Office.

Repealed by Act 2016-295, §1(a), effective May 10, 2016.

Structure Code of Alabama

Code of Alabama

Title 11 - Counties and Municipal Corporations.

Title 2 - Provisions Applicable to Municipal Corporations Only.

Chapter 46 - Elections.

Article 3 - Elections in Certain Cities or Towns Having Commission Form of Government.

Section 11-46-90 - Applicability of Article; Costs of Elections.

Section 11-46-91 - Standard of Time Applicable; Effect of Legal Holidays or Closing Days; Municipal Governing Body Defined.

Section 11-46-92 - Time of Holding Regular, Special, or Runoff Elections; Assumption of Duties by Officers Elected; Service Until Successors Are Elected and Qualified.

Section 11-46-93 - Notice of Elections.

Section 11-46-94 - Authority and Procedure for Adjustment of Boundary Lines of Wards; Division of Wards Into Voting Districts, Etc.

Section 11-46-95 - Designation of Voting Places Generally; Voting Centers; Officials and Equipment; Voting Procedures.

Section 11-46-96 - Ballots; Statements of Candidacy; Withdrawal of Candidacy.

Section 11-46-97 - Proceedings Where Only One Candidate for Office.

Section 11-46-98 - Appointment, Compensation, etc., of Election Officers.

Section 11-46-99 - Hours During Which Polls Open; Attendance at and Opening of Polls by Election Officers; Oath of Officers; Selection and Duties of Challengers; Deletion of Voters by Absentee Ballot From Lists of Qualified Electors; Preservation of...

Section 11-46-100 - Appointment of Election Officers Upon Failure of Others to Attend Polls.

Section 11-46-101 - Schools for Instruction of Election Officials in Use of Voting Machines; Qualifications and Certification of Election Officials.

Section 11-46-102 - Public Exhibition of Voting Machines for Instruction and Information of Voters; Posting, etc., of Diagrams Furnished With Voting Machines.

Section 11-46-103 - Election Supplies.

Section 11-46-104 - Duties of Clerk as to Voting Machines.

Section 11-46-105 - Voting Booths.

Section 11-46-106 - Watchers.

Section 11-46-107 - Preparation, Certification, Filing, and Publication of Lists of Qualified Regular Voters.

Section 11-46-108 - Preparation, etc., of Lists of Qualified Voters Upon Disqualification of Mayor, Etc.

Section 11-46-109 - Electors to Vote in Ward or Precinct of Residence, etc.; Qualifications for Voting; Challenges of Voters Generally.

Section 11-46-110 - Oath and Identification of Voters Challenged Generally; Voting Procedure Where Paper Ballots Used Generally.

Section 11-46-111 - Assistance of Disabled Electors Generally.

Section 11-46-112 - Forms of Oaths to Be Taken by and for Challenged Voters; Penalty for False Oath; Refusal to Take Oath.

Section 11-46-113 - Number of Electors Allowed in Polling Place; Time Limit, etc., for Occupation of Booth.

Section 11-46-114 - Right of Secret Ballot; Write-in Voting Prohibited.

Section 11-46-115 - Votes Not to Be Counted Until Polls Closed; Disposition of Poll Lists and Affidavits; Counting of Ballots.

Section 11-46-116 - Preparation of Statements of Vote; Certification, Sealing, and Delivery of Statements and Poll Lists; Packaging of Ballots; Sealing and Delivery of Ballot Boxes.

Section 11-46-117 - Delivery of Returns, etc., to Governing Body; Retention and Destruction of Ballot Boxes Generally; When Ballot Boxes May Be Opened.

Section 11-46-118 - Delivery, Examination, and Identification of Keys to Voting Machines; Examination of Ballots, Counters, etc.; Certification as to Keys, Counters, and Ballots; Opening of Machines and Polls.

Section 11-46-119 - Provision of Election Materials and Supplies; Preparation of Lighting Facilities; Posting and Placement of Diagrams and Models.

Section 11-46-120 - Election Officers for Voting Machines; Duties.

Section 11-46-121 - Identification of Voters Where Voting Machines Used; Voting Procedure Generally; Assistance of Voters Generally; Challenges to Voters.

Section 11-46-122 - Instruction of Voters in Use of Machines; Oath, etc., of Disabled Voters; Assistance of Voters.

Section 11-46-123 - Closing of Polls; Locking of Machines; Announcement of Results; Statements of Canvass; Proclamation; Disposition of Voting Materials.

Section 11-46-124 - Voting Machines to Remain Locked During Period for Filing of Contests; When Seals of Machines May Be Broken; Disposition of Records Taken From Machines.

Section 11-46-125 - Designation, etc., of Custodians of Voting Machines and Keys; Transportation, Storage, and Protection of Machines.

Section 11-46-126 - Canvassing of Returns, Declaration of Election Result, and Issuance of Certificate of Election by Board of Commissioners; Runoff Elections.

Section 11-46-127 - Absentee Ballots - Eligibility.

Section 11-46-128 - Absentee Ballots - Casting and Handling of Ballots Generally; Duties of Registers, Clerks, etc., Generally; Applicability of Other Laws Relating to Absentee Voting.

Section 11-46-129 - Absentee Ballots - Marking, Posting, etc., of Lists of Applicants for Absentee Ballots.

Section 11-46-130 - Offenses of Mayors and Other Executive Officers.

Section 11-46-131 - Offenses of Clerks.

Section 11-46-132 - Offenses of Election Officers Generally.

Section 11-46-133 - Offenses of Inspectors.

Section 11-46-134 - Failure of Returning Officer to Deliver Statement of Votes and Poll List.

Section 11-46-135 - Deception of Disabled Voter by Marker, Etc.

Section 11-46-136 - Drinking of Intoxicating Liquors by Watcher.

Section 11-46-138 - Offenses of Electors.

Section 11-46-139 - Miscellaneous Offenses.

Section 11-46-140 - Contest of Elections - Grounds; Commencement of Action.

Section 11-46-141 - Contest of Elections - Trial; Entry of Judgment.

Section 11-46-142 - Annulment of Elections.

Section 11-46-143 - Procedure Where Election Not Held on Day Appointed.

Section 11-46-144 - Provisions of Article as to Offenses Cumulative.

Section 11-46-145 - Use of Election Dates Established by Classification Act or Local Act.